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Institute for Cancer Control

Home > Division of Cancer Screening Assessment and Management

Division of Cancer Screening Assessment and Management


The three requirements for achieving mortality reduction through cancer screening as a cancer control are "correct cancer screening methods", “conducting cancer screening correctly” and "improving the screening uptake”. We work on research about the evaluation of the effectiveness of cancer screening and the development of cancer screening guidelines that take into account the benefits and harms of screening as a cancer screening assessment. Furthermore, as a cancer screening management to ensure that cancer screenings are conducted correctly, we are collecting and analyzing the quality control of population-based cancer screening and developing quality control methods for screening at workplaces.

Expectations are rising for new screening methods aimed at early detection and risk stratification of cancer, but there are various issues to be addressed in how to introduce and disseminate them as cancer screening. We are proposing research methods to solve these problems, and conducting dissemination and implementation research.