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International Patients

Since COVID-19 has reclassified as Class 5 from May 8, 2023, we have resumed welcoming in non-residential international patients.
We ask all non-native Japanese speakers and international patients to contact us for consultations/treatments through one of our designated coordinating agents. Our services are offered in the Japanese language; for apt medical care, and for patient welfare and safety, ensuring the means to communicate medical conditions in the Japanese language is paramount.

Kindly note that coverage by the Japanese national health insurance does not provide the extra support needed in communicating medical terms in Japanese.

International Patient Fees

Charges are set at JPY30 per set medical points, plus consumption tax.
Second opinions are available at JPY132,000, pathological consultations at JPY148,500 (JPY181,500 with an additional diagnosis), all inclusive of tax.
These fees are applicable to:

  • patients without Japanese national health insurance coverage
    (i.e. Japanese nationals residing overseas, non-resident international visitors)
  • patients with Japanese national health insurance coverage, however, whose command of the Japanese language is at non-native levels, who have difficulty communicating medical conditions/terms in Japanese (A daily conversation level is incompetent. Patients must be literate all documents and informed consent forms of the hospital.)
For enquiries, you are welcome to contact Department of International Medical and Advanced Care.

On second opinion services, you are welcome to refer to the following link.
How to request a second opinion|ATLAS Asia Clinical Trials Network for Cancers Project (ncc.go.jp)

The following medical coordinating agents are authorized to work with us. Direct contact with an agent of your choice as the first step is the fastest way to access our services. Our reservation center specializes in taking Japanese language calls.

The agents’ coordinating services will become available upon concluding a contract with them, under which coordination services invoices will reach you directly, separately from the invoice from our Hospital for consultations/treatments.

Should international patients come to us without the medical coordinating agents as professional medical interpreters, our policy directs us to guide them to other medical institutions providing services in foreign languages, to ensure their welfare and safety. Your kind understanding to safeguard safe and smooth consultations is very much appreciated.

Authorized Medical Coordinating Agents

Medical Access Japan (services by Emergency Assistance Japan)

address :  1-21-14 Koishikawa, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-0002

phone :  +81-3-3811-8600

URL  : http://maj.emergency.co.jp(to outside link)

languages  :  japanese, chinese, english, russian, korean, spanish


i-cell Networks

address : 5F Morishigyokanda Bldg, 2-11-6 Kandanishikicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0054

phone : +81-3-6268-0261

URL  :  https://www.i-cell.co.jp/en/index.html (to outside link)

languages :  japanese, chinese, english, korean, vietnamese


JTB Medical & Healthcare

address  :  8F 3-1-4 Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0027

phone :  +81-3-5290-1630

URL  :  https://j-medical-healthcare.com/en/(to outside link)

languages :  japanese, chinese, english, korean


ABC Japan Medical & Health Tourism Services

address  : 6F Nissan Building, 1-7-12 Higashi Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo 170-0013

phone  : +81-3-5928-5988

URL  : https://www.abctravel.jp/info/company/  (to outside link)

e-mail  :  medical●abctravel.jp

languages :  japanese, chinese


address  : 5F THE FORME GINZA, 8-18-4 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0061

phone  : +81-3-5809-3026

URL  : https://www.brisian.co.jp/ (to outside link)

e-mail  : m-info●brisian.co.jp

languages :  japanese, chinese, english, korean