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Clinical Trial Investigators visit NCC Hospital
in Japanese
Investigators from Indonesia, Congo, Vietnam, Philippines, and Thailand visited NCC Hospital on 21 January 2020.
The group of thirteen are attending a workshop hosted by the National Center for Global Health and Medicine for promoting international collaboration in clinical research. The NCC Hospital was chosen as the destination for clinical research in oncology.
An overview of clinical research at NCC Hospital, as well as its organization was shared. At the experimental therapeutics session, there were questions on ensuring patient safety, leading to an active discussion.
Dr Kenichi Nakamura
Chief, Research Management Division, NCC Hospital
Dr Takafumi Koyama
Staff Physician, Department of Experimental Therapeutics, NCC Hospital
Dr Noboru Yamamoto
Chief, Department of Experimental Therapeutics, NCC Hospital
The Group split up in two, visited the Biobank and Interventional Radiology Center, sampling the forefront of medicine in Japan.
Dr Nobuyoshi Hiraoka
Chief, Department of Biobank and Tissue Resources, NCC Research Institute
Interventional Radiology
CenterDr Miyuki Sone
Director, Interventional Radiology Center
We are excited about the prospect of developing the relationship with our visitors, towards international collaboration in clinical research.