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Japan-China-Korea Cancer Control Workshop
17 September 2020
in Japanese
The 3rd Japan-China-Korea Cancer Control Workshop was held online on 17 September 2020. Moderated by Dr Tomohiro Matsuda, Head of International Affairs Office, Dr Hitoshi Nakagama, our President opened the occasion. Dr Jie He, President of NCC China, and Dr Eun Sook Lee, President of NCC Korea, joined with their opening remarks. Five researchers made presentations at the workshop, followed by a lively and cordial discussion session. The three countries will continue to promote collaboration in research, advancing cancer control in Asia. A physical meeting is to be hosted by Japan in 2021.
(from left) Drs Kaminota, Matsuda, Nakagama/President
Mano/Director, Research Institute, Suzuki
The three Venues (left: NCC Japan center:NCC China right:NCC Korea)
NCC China (from left):Drs Jiachen Xu, Haitao Zhao, Jie He, Dai Min, Yang Song
NCC Korea (From left):Drs Eun Sook Lee、Yul Hwangbo
Dr Tatsuhiro Shibata
Chief-Cancer Genomics, NCC Research InstituteDr Kiyotaka Yoh, Head Physician-Thoracic
Oncology, NCC Hospital East