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Delegation from Emilia-Romagna visit

December 4, 2023
in Japanese

On November 13, 2023, a delegation of medical professionals from Sant'Orsola Malpigi Hospital, Bologna and IRST Meldola, both certified as IRCCS* oncology research centers, visited.
Hitomi Okuma of the Department of International Clinical Development gave an overview of NCC Hospital and clinical research, and Chigusa Morizane, Assistant Chief of the Department of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Oncology introduced ongoing HPB clinical research projects. Masaru Katoh of the Department of Clinical Genomics, NCC Research Institute presented research collaboration projects between Italy and Japan.
Dr Brandi from the Sant'Orsola Malpigi Hospital asked many questions about clinical research in HBP and rare cancers, which led to a lively academic exchange. Dr Ricciardiello introduced Italian and European clinical research perspectives. We mutually confirmed our interest in rare cancer research and had a meaningful exchange of ideas for future research collaboration.

*IRCCS are recognized for their excellent clinical research and are accredited and funded by the Italian Ministry of Health as ‘Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico (IRCCS)’. Currently, a total of 53 hospitals, 23 public and 30 private, hold accreditation in Italy. Sant'Orsola Malpigi Hospital attained oncology IRCCS accreditation in 2021, while IRST Meldola received it in 2012.


(front from left) Dr Morizane, Ms Burioli -Manager, IRST Meldola, Dr Okuma, Dr Seri -Scientific Manager, Sant’Orsola Malpigi Hospital,
(back from left) Dr Ricciardiello and Dr Brandi, Sant’Orsola Malpigi Hospital, Dr Katoh, Mr Vicine, Clust-ER Health