Home > About NCC > Vision and Mission
Vision and Mission
NCC is committed to providing the best possible cancer treatments and care in partnership with communities
- Discover the fundamental causes of cancer, towards early diagnosis and prevention
- Develop highly advanced medicine
- Establish and make available the most advanced standard of care to all patients
- Explore and support patients with the best “cancer survivorship”
- Garner cancer information and disseminate to society
- Develop talent
- Advocate policies
- Contribute globally, working with international partners
NCC Logo
NCC Logo is designed from the Chinese character meaning cancer The outer segment
meaning disease is removed, and the remains
is modified (defined in 1970.)
The three small circles represent 1. Clinical Service, 2. Research, and 3. Education based on our visions that 1. Provide state-of-the-art cancer treatment and conduct world-class clinical research, 2. Make policies from patients' perspective. The big circle outside symbolizes collaboration from patients and the people (redefined in 2014.)