Home > The Endoscopy Center Sharing Expertise Overseas
The Endoscopy Center Sharing Expertise Overseas
The Endoscopy Center, awarded the Center of Excellence by the World Endoscopy Organization in 2017, has hosted many overseas visiting doctors. As travel is restricted, they are sharing their expertise online
On September 8, with Blokhin National Medical Research Center of Oncology in Moscow, the Endoscopy Center participated in Expert’s Webinar "Diagnosis and treatment of early gastrointestinal cancer”. Exchanging live surgery images online from their respective hospitals, Dr Yutaka Saito and Dr Olga Aleksandrovna Malikhova then gave lectures and exchanged opinions. This Webinar received more than 170 viewers not only from Russia but also from all over Europe.
On September 12, Dr Saito as a special guest, and Dr Taku Sakamoto as a panelist lectured at the Endoscopy Education Webinar for Junior doctors or consultant gastroenterologists and endoscopy nurse practitioners by St. Marks Academic Institute, responsible for education and research of St. Marks Hospital in London. Our special thanks go to Professor Shuji Shimizu-International Medical Division of Kyushu University Hospital who kindly provided us technical support for those Webinars.
The Endoscopy Center will continue to actively promote international exchange of opinions and engage in the global educational program.
Operation room on live webinar (from left) Dr Mizuguchi, Dr Saito
Webinar information in Russian
Live image received from Russia clockwise, from upper left, Dr Takamaru, Dr Saito, lesion image, Dr Malikhova