Home > NCC colorectal Surgeons visit Sakha Republic, Russia
NCC colorectal Surgeons visit Sakha Republic, Russia
10 October 2019
On 28 June, two surgeons representing the Department of Colorectal Surgery from the National Cancer Center Hospital visited the capital, Yakutsk. The two shared their knowledge with local doctors at Sakha Republic Oncology Center, and enjoyed an enthusiastic audience.
Drs Sakamoto (green scrubs) and Takamizawa (blue scrubs to the right) with their hosts
The two were hosted at a Presidential dinner, and also visited the Foreign Affairs Minister, His Excellency Gavril Kirillin, who has expressed his hope for a continuation of medical exchange with the National Cancer Center and Sakha Republic, with surgery demonstrations and training visits of surgeons to Japan.
Dr Sakamoto at the lecturn
The Ministerial Visit