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Annual Report 2022

Department of Nursing

Asuko Sekimoto, Ayako Mori, Hiroko Nakahama, Maki Kimura, Mihoko Asanabe, Tomomi Mochizuki, Miki Hosoya, Chiemi Kojima, Naoko Okada, Yumiko Arai, Miki Izumi, Akemi Komiyama, Yuko Sugiki, Mieko Machida, Michiko Oki, Kumi Yoshimura, Sachiko Karube, Naoko Inamura, Yuka Morohashi, Nozomi Asai, Miyuki Kanemitsu, Kyoko Suzuki, Aya Oya, Kazumi Ishii, Hiroko Sasaguchi, Atsuko Ito, Emi Fujii, Yuko Hirose, Naoko Haji, Chiaki Ito


 The Department of Nursing is in charge of team healthcare at the National Cancer Center Hospital (NCCH), the central institution for national cancer treatment and control in Japan. With the motto, “All Activities for Cancer Patients”, our department's role is to develop and improve the quality of cancer nursing as well as to contribute to the appropriate management of the hospital. Our department is also expected to foster nursing staff to achieve the best cancer nursing possible.

The Team and What We Do

 From April 2022, the hospital expanded its oncology services while continuing to provide COVID-19 care. We concentrated resources for the safe handling of infectious diseases and created a complex ward by informing patients' families and seeking cooperation from staff; discussed with other departments the treatment priorities for patients with COVID-19, and worked to create a safe environment and provide education. Communication skills training was held for nurses at the National Cancer Center Hospital. We collaborated with multiple professions to set up a system for admission and discharge support and screening of elderly patients and expanded the department of medical care to meet the diverse needs of patients with cancer.

Research Activities

 The number of abstracts presented at the conference in FY2022 was 36. The topics ranged from nursing management, nursing practice, nursing expertise, and methods of care related to hereditary tumors and intravenous lutatea, which only a hospital specializing in oncology can provide.

Human resource development and Education

 In FY2022, the program will be equipped with a genetic nursing specialist, a cancer nursing specialist, a certified cancer chemotherapy nurse, a certified skin and excretory care nurse, a certified cancer radiation therapy nurse, and six certified nursing managers. The hospital has 18 specialized nurses in 5 fields and 46 certified nurses in 10 fields, who act as educators and leaders in practice (Table 1).

 Additionally, career support was provided for one student to enter a master's degree program in nursing and for one student to enroll in a certified nursing manager education program (Table 2).

Table 1. Number of registered certified nurse specialists and certified nurses
Table 1. Number of registered certified nurse specialists and certified nurses

Table 1. Number of registered certified nurse specialists and certified nurses
Table 1. Number of registered certified nurse specialists and certified nurses

Table 2. Support status of human resource development
Table 2. Support status of human resource development

Table 2. Support status of human resource development
Table 2. Support status of human resource development

Future Prospects

 Securing and developing human resources is necessary with a primary focus on team medicine promotion and medical and community cooperation enhancement to fulfill its role as a hospital specializing in acute cancer care. We would like to build a system that can respond to and support the various needs of patients and their families and promote prospective research to build evidence for cancer nursing. We aim to create an organization that promotes advanced care planning, which will serve as a catalyst for active dialogue in considering treatment and treatment options, and problem-solving among multiple professions.