Home > Organization > Fundamental Innovative Oncology Core(FIOC) > Department of Proteomics > Member
Shungo Adachi

Phone: +81-3-3542-2511 (main)
Email Address: shadac2●ncc.go.jp(●を@に置き換えてください)
Areas of Expertise: Proteome Analysis, RNA Regulation Analysis, Laboratory Automation Career Summary: Completed the doctoral course at the Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo in 2003 (PhD in Science). Served as a postdoctoral researcher at Tokyo Medical and Dental University, team leader at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, among other roles, before assuming the current position in 2023.
Staff Scientist
Mari Masuda
Project Researcher
- Hideo Kusano
- Masae Homoto
- Tatsuki Yokoseki
External Research Staff
Kumiko Nishimura