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Visit by Young Leaders’ Program from Nagoya University
7 June 2021
On 3 June 2021, the National Cancer Center welcomed a group of master students as part of their healthcare administration course and gave lectures on "National Cancer Center's Role in Japan and International Cooperation." The Nagoya University Young Leaders’Program is a program funded by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
Following remarks by Kazuaki Shimada, Director - National Cancer Center Hospital (NCCH), Tatsuya Suzuki, Deputy Director - Strategic Planning Bureau, and Nobuyuki Hamajima, Designated Professor - Asian Satellite Campuses Institute, Nagoya University, an overview of the National Cancer Center was presented by Tomohiro Matsuda, Head - Office of International Affairs. Lectures were given by Kenichi Nakamura, Director - Department of International Clinical Development, NCCH, Kan Yonemori, Chief - Department of Medical Oncology, NCCH, Yuichiro Tsukada, Assistant Chief - Department of Colorectal Surgery, National Cancer Center Hospital East, and Norie Sawada, Section Head - Division of Epidemiology, Center for Public Health Sciences. A very enthusiastic question and answer session succeeded.
We hope that this opportunity will blossom into mutually beneficial relationships.
(Front row, from left) Phimmasane Maniphet, Khairulina Haireen Binti Khalid, Sirait Lady Margaretha Febriany, Professor Hamajima, Hitoshi Nakagama President, Dr Shimada, Sonsupap Cholticha, Moeun Sreyleap, Yerbolatova Marzhan)
(Back row, from left) Dr Yonemori, Dr Nakamura, Dr Suzuki, Nguyen Thi Tahn Tam, Soren Borsha Jachinta, Marchenko Yelena,Dr Tsukada, Dr Matsuda, Dr Sawada, Ms Atsuko Baba - Nagoya University YLP Program Coordinator
Professor Hamjima and YLP 18th MEXT Scholars