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Organizational Chart


Management Office/Data Center

Strictly manage data provided through this project, the integrated database and servers to host it, and access to the integrated database. In addition, biostatisticians at the data center promote new research projects that use the integrated database and provide consultation and analysis services.

Scientific Steering Committee

Comprised of academia researchers that play central roles in this project, the Scientific Steering Committee researches and deliberates on methods to operate the integrated database and medical and scientific matters, lays out specific plans related to the operation of this project, and proposes them to the Project Management Committee. In addition, it reviews scientificity and appropriateness when individual research projects that use the integrated database are carried out.

Project Management Committee

Chaired by the chief supervisor of this project, the Project Management Committee comprises research representatives, academia researchers, and representatives of member pharmaceutical companies. It deliberates on and approves methods for operating the database and pharmaceutical companies' new participation based on proposals submitted by the Scientific Steering Committee. In addition, it plays the role of deciding operational policies for the entire consortium composed of the National Cancer Center and member academia research groups and pharmaceutical companies.