トップページ > 各部紹介 > データサイエンス研究部 > 業績論文
- Tanaka H, Nomura S, Katanoda K. Changes in mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan: descriptive analysis of national health statistics up to 2022. J Epidemiol. 2024 Oct 26.[PubMed]
- Togawa K, Fong GT, Quah ACK, Meng G, Xu SS, Quimet J, Mochizuki Y, Yoshimi I, Odani S, Tabuchi T, Katanoda K. Impacts of revised smoke-free regulations under the 2020 Japan Health Promotion Act on cigarette smoking and heated tobacco product use in indoor public places and homes: findings from 2018 to 2021 International Tobacco Control (ITC) Japan Surveys. Tob Control. 2024 Oct 17:tc-2024-058697. [PubMed]
- Sato A, Tanaka H, Tabuchi T, Katanoda K. Occupational differences in SARS-CoV-2 infection: the Japan COVID-19 and Society Internet Survey (JACSIS) study in 2022. BMC Public Health. 2024;24(1):2841. Published 2024 Oct 16.[PubMed]
- Tabuchi T, Takenobu K, Katanoda K. Statement of continued commitment to the issue of tobacco industry money. Nicotine Tob Res. Published online September 21, 2024.[PubMed]
- Miura M, Tabuchi T, Amano H, Katanoda K. Evaluation of the Association Between Sedentary Time and Low Work Engagement in the Work Environment After COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Study of Japanese Workers. Cureus. 2024 Jun 19;16(6):e62725.[PubMed]
- Kim J, Macharia PM, McCormack V, Foerster M, Galukande M, Joffe M, Cubasch H, Zietsman A, Anele A, Offiah S, Parham G, Pinder LF, Anderson BO, Schüz J, Dos Santos-Silva I, Togawa K. Geospatial disparities in survival of patients with breast cancer in sub-Saharan Africa from the African Breast Cancer-Disparities in Outcomes cohort (ABC-DO): a prospective cohort study. Lancet Glob Health. 2024 May 21:S2214-109X(24)00138-4.[PubMed]
- Ong SK, Abe SK, Gek Phua GL, Jayasekara H, Togawa K, Gatellier L, Kim J, Zhang Y, Kahan SZ, Yusof SN, Han JS, Pramesh CS, Sengar M, Shankar A, Cairo C, Sangrajran S, Nansalmaa E, Badamsuren T, Dendup T, Tshering K, He J, Werdi Nindito D RS, Ritana A, Im JS, Park EY, Huong GN, Thanh Huong TT, Biglari M, Yusuf A, Pradhananga KK, Vongdala C, Bin Jaafar MT, Ibrahim Tamin NS, Myint YY, Kaung KK, Rahman MS, Fernando E, Rath B, Sukumaran B, Hwang WY, Espina C, Schüz J, Inoue M, Matsuda T. Mapping recommendations towards an Asian Code Against Cancer (ACAC) as part of the World Code Against Cancer Framework: an Asian National Cancer Centers Alliance (ANCCA) initiative. Lancet Reg Health Southeast Asia. 2024 May 22;24:100316.[PubMed]
- Ota M, Taniguchi K, Hori M, Katanoda K, Nakata K, Miyashiro I, Matsuda T, Lee SW, Ito Y. Trends in patterns of treatment and survival of colorectal cancer patients using cancer registry data in Japan: 1995-2015. Cancer Sci. 2024 May 7.[PubMed]
- Kyriakos CN, Erinoso O, Driezen P, Thrasher JF, Katanoda K, Quah ACK, Tabuchi T, Perez CA, Seo HG, Kim SY, Nordin ASA, Hairi FM, Fong GT, Filippidis FT. Prevalence and perceptions of flavour capsule cigarettes among adults who smoke in Brazil, Japan, Republic of Korea, Malaysia and Mexico: findings from the ITC surveys. BMJ Open. 2024 Apr 19;14(4):e083080.[PubMed]
- Yang SL, Togawa K, Gilmour S, Leon ME, Soerjomataram I, Katanoda K. Projecting the impact of implementation of WHO MPOWER measures on smoking prevalence and mortality in Japan. Tob Control. 2024 Apr 19;33(3):295-301.[PubMed]
- Tanaka H, Katanoda K, Togawa K, Kobayashi Y. Educational inequalities in all-cause and cause-specific mortality in Japan: national census-linked mortality data for 2010-15. Int J Epidemiol. 2024;53(2):dyae031.[PubMed]
- Palmer MR, Saito E, Katanoda K, Sakamoto H, Hocking JS, Brotherton JML, Ong JJ. The impact of alternate HPV vaccination and cervical screening strategies in Japan: a cost-effectiveness analysis. Lancet Reg Health West Pac. 2024 Feb 19;44:101018.[PubMed]
- Momosaka T, Saito J, Otsuki A, Katanoda K, et al. Associations of individual characteristics and socioeconomic status with heated tobacco product harmfulness perceptions in Japan: A nationwide cross-sectional study (INFORM Study 2020). J Epidemiol. Published online January 6, 2024.[PubMed]
- 田中 宏和, 片野田 耕太, 小林 廉毅. わが国の教育歴別死亡率の都道府県比較:国勢調査と人口動態統計のリンケージ研究(2010–2015年):日本公衆衛生雑誌 , 2024(早期公開).[J-STAGE]
- 片野田 耕太. わが国のがんサバイバーの現状―統計データから :臨床栄養 145(5) 576-581, 2024
- 岩瀬 絵里奈, 大和 浩, 田淵 貴大, 十川 佳代, 片野田 耕太, 中村 正和.喫煙者における文字のみおよび画像付きタバコパッケージの警告表示への認識に関する横断分析:日本公衆衛生学雑誌,71(12) 756-765, 2024.[J-STAGE]
- 片野田 耕太. 特集 女性のライフコース疫学研究「日本ナースヘルス研究(JNHS)」のすべて :出生時体重,若年時体型と2型糖尿病:産科と婦人科,91(5), 2024
- 片野田 耕太, 道林 千賀子, 齋藤 順子, 島津 太一, 中村 正和. たばこ対策のロジックモデルとアクションプランの例—受動喫煙対策— :日本健康教育学会誌, 32(Special_issue) S121-S130, 2024.[J-STAGE]
- 齋藤 順子, 島津 太一, 片野田 耕太, 道林 千賀子, 中村 正和. たばこ対策のロジックモデルとアクションプランの例—職域のたばこ対策—:日本健康教育学会誌, 32(Special_issue) S112-S120, 2024.[J-STAGE]
- 道林 千賀子, 片野田 耕太, 齋藤 順子, 島津 太一, 中村 正和. たばこ対策のロジックモデルとアクションプランの例—成人・妊婦の喫煙率減少—:日本健康教育学会誌, 32(Special_issue) S102-S111, 2024.[J-STAGE]
- 中村 正和, 片野田 耕太, 道林 千賀子, 齋藤 順子, 島津 太一. たばこ対策のロジックモデルとアクションプラン(総論):日本健康教育学会誌, 32(Special_issue) S94-S101, 2024.[J-STAGE]
- 片野田 耕太, 十川 佳代, 中村 正和. 「たばこハームリダクション」は可能か?:国際的動向と日本での論点:日本公衆衛生学雑誌, 71(3) 141-152, 2024.[J-STAGE]
- Schüz J, Ostroumova E, Kesminiene A, Davies L, Ahn HS, Togawa K, Vaccarella S. Response to Toshihide Tsuda, Yumiko Miyano and Eiji Yamamoto. Environ Health. 2023 Jan 26;22(1):13.[PubMed]
- Tanaka H, Mackenbach JP, Kobayashi Y. Estimation of socioeconomic inequalities in mortality in Japan using national census-linked longitudinal mortality data. J Epidemiol. 2023;33(5):246-255.[PubMed]
- Tanaka H, Tanaka S, Togawa K, Katanoda K. Practical implications of the update to the 2015 Japan Standard Population: mortality archive from 1950 to 2020 in Japan. J Epidemiol.2023;33(7):372-380.[PubMed]
- Mitsutake S, Takahashi Y, Otsuki A, et al. Chronic Diseases and Sociodemographic Characteristics Associated With Online Health Information Seeking and Using Social Networking Sites: Nationally Representative Cross-sectional Survey in Japan. J Med Internet Res. 2023;25:e44741. Published 2023 Mar 2. [PubMed]
- Goto A, Katanoda K. Should We Acknowledge ChatGPT as an Author?. J Epidemiol. 2023;33(7):333-334.[PubMed]
- Minami T, Inoue M, Tabuchi T, Katanoda K. Voluntary suspension of medically-assisted reproduction during the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan: a nationwide internet survey. Hum Fertil (Camb). 2023;26(1):169-181.[PubMed]
- Charvat H, Fukui K, Matsuda T, Katanoda K, Ito Y. Impact of cancer and other causes of death on mortality of cancer patients: A study based on Japanese population-based registry data. Int J Cancer. 2023;153(6):1162-1171.[PubMed]
- Katanoda K, Tanaka H, Tanaka S, Togawa K. Toward Better Utilization of the 2015 Japan Standard Population. J Epidemiol. 2023;33(10):545.[PubMed]
- Sugiyama T, Yanagisawa-Sugita A, Tanaka H, et al. Different incidences of diabetic retinopathy requiring treatment since diagnosis according to the course of diabetes diagnosis: a retrospective cohort study. Sci Rep. 2023;13(1):10527. Published 2023 Jun 29.[PubMed]
- Nakata K, Matsuda T, Hori M, Sugiyama H, Tabuchi K, Miyashiro I, Matsumoto K, Yoneda A, Takita J, Shimizu C, Katanoda K. Cancer incidence and type of treatment hospital among children, adolescents, and young adults in Japan, 2016-2018. Cancer Sci. 2023;114(9):3770-3782.[PubMed]
- Usui Y, Ito H, Katanoda K, Matsuda T, Maeda Y, Matsuo K. Trends in non-Hodgkin lymphoma mortality rate in Japan and the United States: A population-based study. Cancer Sci. 2023;114(10):4073-4080.[PubMed]
- Tanaka H, Togawa K, Katanoda K. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mortality trends in Japan: a reversal in 2021? A descriptive analysis of national mortality data, 1995-2021. BMJ Open. 2023;13(8):e071785. Published 2023 Aug 31.[PubMed]
- Saito E, Tanaka S, Abe SK, Hirayabashi M, Ishihara J, Katanoda K, Lin Y, Nagata C, Sawada N, Takachi R, Goto A, Tanaka J, Ueda K, Hori M, Matsuda T, Inoue M. Economic burden of cancer attributable to modifiable risk factors in Japan. Glob Health Med. 2023 Aug 31;5(4):238-245.[PubMed]
- Palmer M, Katanoda K, Saito E, Acuti Martellucci C, Tanaka S, Ikeda S, Sakamoto H, Machalek D, Brotherton JML, Hocking JS. Corrigendum to "Genotype prevalence and age distribution of human papillomavirus from infection to cervical cancer in Japanese women: A systematic review and meta-analysis" [Vaccine 40(41) (2022) 5971-5996]. Vaccine. 2023 Sep 1:S0264-410X(23)00787-9.[PubMed]
- Funada S, Yoshioka T, Luo Y, Iwama T, Mori C, Yamada N, Yoshida H, Katanoda K, Furukawa TA. Global Trends in Highly Cited Studies in COVID-19 Research. JAMA Netw Open. 2023 Sep 5;6(9):e2332802.[PubMed]
- Nguyen PT, Hori M, Matsuda T, Katanoda K. Cancer Prevalence Projections in Japan and Decomposition Analysis of Changes in Cancer Burden, 2020-2050: A Statistical Modeling Study. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2023 Dec 1;32(12):1756-1770.[PubMed]
- Ong SK, Abe SK, Thilagaratnam S, Togawa K et al. Towards elimination of cervical cancer - human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination and cervical cancer screening in Asian National Cancer Centers Alliance (ANCCA) member countries. Lancet Reg Health West Pac. 2023 Aug 1;39:100860.[PubMed]
- Kim J, Leon ME, Schinasi LH, Togawa K et al. Exposure to pesticides and risk of Hodgkin lymphoma in an international consortium of agricultural cohorts (AGRICOH). Cancer Causes Control. 2023;34(11):995-1003.[PubMed]
- Tsuge H, Kawakita D, Taniyama Y, Oze I, Koyanagi YN, Hori M, Nakata K, Sugiyama H, Miyashiro I, Oki I, Nishino Y, Katanoda K, Ito Y, Shibata A, Matsuda T, Iwasaki S, Matsuo K, Ito H. Subsite-specific trends in mid- and long-term survival for head and neck cancer patients in Japan: A population-based study. Cancer Sci. 2023 Nov 23.[PubMed]
- Boucheron P, Zietsman A, Pontac J, Hansen R, Anderson BO, Togawa K, Macharia PM, Foerster M, Schüz J, Dos-Santos-Silva I, McCormack V. Analysis of the Breast Cancer Journey in Namibia. JAMA Netw Open. 2023 Nov 1;6(11):e2341402.[PubMed]
- 田中宏和, 田淵貴大, 片野田耕太. 新型コロナウイルスワクチン接種状況と接種証明書の活用に関する意識:2021年9-10月の調査(JACSIS研究). 日本公衆衛生雑誌. 2023;70(3):171-184, 2023
- 片野田 耕太, 伊藤 秀美, 伊藤 ゆり, 片山 佳代子, 西野 善一, 筒井 杏奈, 十川 佳代, 田中 宏和, 大野 ゆう子, 中谷 友樹.諸外国でのがん登録データの地理情報の利用事例とわが国の全国がん登録の諸問題:日本公衆衛生雑誌 70(3):163-170, 2023
- 柘植 博之, 川北 大介, 谷山 ゆかり, 小柳 友理子, 尾瀬 功, 片野田 耕太, 伊藤 ゆり, 松田 智大, 岩崎 真一, 伊藤 秀美.地域がん登録データより求めた,頭頸部がん長期生存率の経年変化 :頭頸部癌 49(2) 171-171,202
- 田中 宏和, 片野田 耕太. 【胆道癌と膵癌のリスクファクター】喫煙と発がん:胆と膵 44(9) 807-813, 2023
- Ito Y, Katanoda K, Yamamoto S, Hamajima N, Mochizuki Y, Matsuo K. Trends in smoking prevalence and attitude toward tobacco control among members of the JCA in 2004-2017. Cancer Sci. 2022 Apr;113(4):1542-1547. [PubMed]
- Kanehara R, Goto A, Watanabe T, Inoue K, Taguri M, Kobayashi S, Imai K, Saito E, Katanoda K, Iwasaki M et al. Association between diabetes and adjuvant chemotherapy implementation in patients with stage III colorectal cancer. J Diabetes Investig. 2022;13(10):1771-1778.[PubMed]
- Nguyen PT, Katanoda K, Saito E, Hori M, Nakayama T, Matsuda T. Trends in lung cancer incidence by gender, histological type and stage at diagnosis in Japan, 1993 to 2015: A multiple imputation approach. Int J Cancer. 2022 Jul 1;151(1):20-32. [PubMed]
- Pilleron S, Alqurini N, Ferlay J, Haase KR, Hannan M, Janssen-Heijnen M, Kantilal K, Katanoda K, Kenis C, Lu-Yao G et al. International trends in cancer incidence in middle-aged and older adults in 44 countries. J Geriatr Oncol. 2022 Apr;13(3):346-355. [PubMed]
- Tanaka S, Palmer M, Katanoda K. Trends in cervical cancer incidence and mortality of young and middle adults in Japan. Cancer Sci. 2022 May;113(5):1801-1807. [PubMed]
- Tanaka H, Nusselder WJ, Kobayashi Y, Mackenbach JP. Socioeconomic inequalities in self-rated health in Japan, 32 European countries and the United States: an international comparative study [published online ahead of print, 2022 May 10]. Scand J Public Health. 2022;14034948221092285.[PubMed]
- Dhungel B, Wada K, Tanaka H, Gilmour S. Time to update the Japanese standard population for comparing mortality rates Arch Public Health. 2022 Jun 6;80(1):153. [PubMed]
- Y. K. Lau, S. Okawa, R. Meza, K. Katanoda and T. Tabuchi.: Nicotine dependence of cigarette and heated tobacco users in Japan, 2019: a cross-sectional analysis of the JASTIS Study. Tob Control. 2022 Aug;31(e1):e50-e56 [PubMed]
- M. Inoue-Choi, N. D. Freedman, E. Saito, S. Tanaka, M. Hirabayashi, N. Sawada, S. Tsugane, Y. Usui, H. Ito, C. Wang, A. Tamakoshi, T. Takeuchi, Y. Kitamura, M. Utada, K. Ozasa, Y. Sugawara, I. Tsuji, K. Wada, C. Nagata, T. Shimazu, T. Mizoue, K. Matsuo, M. Naito, K. Tanaka, K. Katanoda, M. Inoue, Development Research Group for the and Japan Evaluation of Cancer Prevention Strategies in Japan. Low-intensity cigarette smoking and mortality risks: a pooled analysis of prospective cohort studies in Japan. Int J Epidemiol. 2022 Aug 10;51(4):1276-1290. [PubMed]
- Inoue-Choi M, Freedman ND, Saito E, Tanaka S, Hirabayashi M, Sawada N, Tsugane S, Usui Y, Ito H, Wang C, Tamakoshi A, Takeuchi T, Kitamura Y, Utada M, Ozasa K, Sugawara Y, Tsuji I, Wada K, Nagata C, Shimazu T, Mizoue T, Matsuo K, Naito M, Tanaka K, Katanoda K, Inoue M. Correction to: Low-intensity cigarette smoking and mortality risks: a pooled analysis of prospective cohort studies in Japan. Int J Epidemiol. 2022 Aug 10;51(4):1355.[PubMed]
- M. Ichikawa, H. Inada, K. Katanoda and S. Nakahara. Trend in alcohol-related crashes before and after the introduction of mandatory breath testing among commercial truck drivers [published online ahead of print, 2022 Aug 13]. J Epidemiol. 2022;10.2188/jea.JE20220054.[PubMed]
- Smith J, Togawa K, Dresler C, Hawari F, Zain ZM, Stewart B, Warren GW, Sitas F. Smoking cessation after a cancer diagnosis: Commentary on special supplement in Cancer Epidemiology. Cancer Epidemiol. 2022;79:102210. [PubMed]
- Palmer M, Katanoda K, Saito E, Acuti Martellucci C, Tanaka S, Ikeda S, Sakamoto H, Machelek D, Ml Brotherton J, Hocking JS. Genotype prevalence and age distribution of human papillomavirus from infection to cervical cancer in Japanese women: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Vaccine. 2022 Sep 29;40(41):5971-5996. [PubMed]
- Yang SL, Togawa K, Gilmour S, Leon ME, Soerjomataram I, Katanoda K. Projecting the impact of implementation of WHO MPOWER measures on smoking prevalence and mortality in Japan[published online ahead of print, 2022 Sep 13]. Tob Control. [PubMed]
- Nguyen PT, Saito E, Katanoda K. Long-Term Projections of Cancer Incidence and Mortality in Japan and Decomposition Analysis of Changes in Cancer Burden, 2020-2054: An Empirical Validation Approach. Cancers (Basel). 2022;14(24):6076. Published 2022 Dec 9. [PubMed]
- Katagiri R, Tabuchi T, Katanoda K. Socioeconomic and sociodemographic factors associated with food expense insufficiency during the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan. PLoS One. 2022;17(12):e0279266. Published 2022 Dec 15.[PubMed]
- Ozasa K, Katanoda K. A Special Issue on Fukushima Has Been Released a Decade After the Great East Japan Earthquake. J Epidemiol. 2022;32(Suppl_XII):S1-S2.[PubMed]
- Yoshida S, Okubo R, Katanoda K, Tabuchi T. Impact of state of emergency for coronavirus disease 2019 on hospital visits and disease exacerbation: the Japan COVID-19 and Society Internet Survey. Fam Pract. 2022;39(5):883-890.[PubMed]
- Kurokawa T, Ozaki A, Bhandari D, Kotera Y, Sawano T, Kanemoto Y, Kanzaki N, Ejiri T, Saito H, Kaneda Y, Tsubokura M, Tanimoto T, Katanoda K, Tabuchi T. Association between COVID-19 incidence and postponement or cancellation of elective surgeries in Japan until September 2020: a cross-sectional, web-based survey. BMJ Open. 2022 Oct 10;12(10):e059886. [PubMed]
- Inoue M, Hirabayashi M, Abe SK, Katanoda K, Sawada N, Lin Y, Ishihara J, Takachi R, Nagata C, Saito E, Goto A, Ueda K, Tanaka J, Hori M, Matsuda T; Cancer PAF Japan Collaborators. Burden of cancer attributable to modifiable factors in Japan in 2015. Glob Health Med. 2022 Feb 28;4(1):26-36. [PubMed]
- Takenobu K, Yoshida S, Katanoda K, Kawakami K, Tabuchi T. Impact of workplace smoke-free policy on secondhand smoke exposure from cigarettes and exposure to secondhand heated tobacco product aerosol during COVID-19 pandemic in Japan: the JACSIS 2020 study. BMJ Open. 2022;12(3):e056891. Published 2022 Mar 18.[PubMed]
- Kitajima T, Schüz J, Morita A, Ikeda W, Tanaka H, Togawa K, Gabazza EC, Taki M, Toriyabe K, Ikeda T, Sokejima S. Measurement of intermediate frequency magnetic fields generated by household induction cookers for epidemiological studies and development of an exposure estimation model. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022;19(19): 11912.[PubMed]
- Kuurdor ED, Tanaka H, Kitajima T, Amexo JX, Sokejima S. Social capital and self-rated health: a cross-sectional study among rural Japanese working residents. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022;19(21): 14018.[PubMed]
- 片野田耕太 . 新 高等保健体育 指導ノート 保健編 1現代社会と健康. 13 喫煙と健康.東京, 大修館書店: 216-229,2022
- 伊藤 ゆり, 堀 芽久美, 福井 敬祐, 太田 将仁, 中田 佳世, 杉山 裕美, 伊藤 秀美, 大木 いずみ, 西野 善一, 宮代 勲, 片野田 耕太, 柴田 亜希子, 松田 智大.20年間でがん患者の生存率は向上したか?6府県の住民ベースのがん登録による検討. Journal of Epidemiology 32(Suppl.1) 90-90, 2022
- 片野田 耕太.【UP DATE 新型タバコ-COVID-19も絡むタバコ問題の今】UP DATE 最新タバコ研究. 公衆衛生 86(2) 169-176 ,2022
- 奥山絢子, 片野田耕太, 田淵貴大., 基礎疾患保持者の新型コロナウイルス感染症に対する認識と受療状況:2020年8月~9月の状況についてのアンケート調査:日本公衆衛生学雑誌, 69(3) 204-214, 2022
- 北原 慈和, 長井 万恵, 井手野 由季, 片野田 耕太, 岩瀬 明, 林 邦彦. 日本ナースヘルス研究(JNHS)からみた更年期について. 糖尿病・内分泌代謝科編集委員会 編 54(3) 351-357, 2022
- 福井敬祐, 伊藤ゆり, 片野田 耕太. 都道府県別にみるがん年齢調整死亡率の推移予測ツールの開発. 厚生の指標 69(5) 1-6, 2022
- 片野田 耕太.【日常生活に潜む健康被害】家庭内の喫煙による家族への影響. 保健の科学 64(10) 657-663, 2022
- Katanoda K, Hori M, Saito E, Shibata A, Ito Y, Minami T, Ikeda S, Suzuki T, Matsuda T. Updated trends in cancer in Japan: incidence in 1985-2015 and mortality in 1958-2018 - a sign of decrease in cancer incidence. J Epidemiol, 2021 Jul 5;31(7):426-450. [PubMed]
- Hori M, Tanaka H, Saito E, Wakai K, Katanoda K. Response to the Dr Shikata's letter: 'Secondhand smoke exposure and risk of lung cancer in Japan: a systematic review and meta-analysis of epidemiologic studies'. Jpn J Clin Oncol, 2021 Apr 1;51(4):661. [PubMed]
- Lau YK, Okawa S, Meza R, Katanoda K, Tabuchi T. Nicotine dependence of cigarette and heated tobacco users in Japan, 2019: a cross-sectional analysis of the JASTIS Study. Tob Control.2022;31(e1):e50-e56. [PubMed]
- Mawditt C, Sasayama K, Katanoda K, Gilmour S. The clustering of health-related behaviours in the adult Japanese population. J Epidemiol, 2021 Aug 5;31(8):471-479. [PubMed]
- Shirabe R, Saito E, Sawada N, Ishihara J, Takachi R, Abe SK, Shimazu T, Yamaji T, Goto A, Iwasaki M, Inoue M, Tsugane S. Fermented and nonfermented soy foods and the risk of breast cancer in a Japanese population-based cohort study. Cancer Med, 2021 Jan;10(2):757-771. [PubMed]
- Zha L, Liu R, Sobue T, Kitamura T, Ishihara J, Kotemori A, Ikeda S, Sawada N, Iwasaki M, Tsugane S, For The Jphc Study Group. Dietary Acrylamide Intake and the Risk of Hematological Malignancies: The Japan Public Health Center-Based Prospective Study. Nutrients, 2021 Feb 11;13(2):590. [PubMed]
- Saito E, Inoue M, Sawada N, Kokubo Y, Yamagishi K, Iso H, Shimazu T, Yamaji T, Iwasaki M, Tsugane S. Risk of stroke in cancer survivors using a propensity score-matched cohort analysis. Sci Rep, 2021 Mar 10;11(1):5599. [PubMed]
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- 齋藤 英子, 片野田 耕太. 第2章 医薬品市場・売上予測の手法と患者数予測の活用 第6節 がんの年齢階級別罹患数の将来予測. In: 医薬品マーケティングにおける市場・売上予測と戦略策定, 東京, 技術情報協会, 2019
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- 齋藤 英子, 片野田 耕太. 【動き始めたがんゲノム医療 深化と普及のための基礎研究課題】 (第1章)ゲノム医療の体制 現状と課題 ゲノム医療の経済評価における研究動向と課題. 実験医学, 36:2507-2512, 2018
- 片野田 耕太. 【喫煙関連疾患-予防と治療の最前線】 【喫煙の健康被害:最新情報】受動喫煙の健康被害. 医学のあゆみ, 265:855-859, 2018
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- 島田 和明, 奥坂 拓志, 池田 公史, 秋元 哲夫, 清水 研, 里見 絵里子, 八巻 智香子, 片野田 耕太, 若尾 文彦, 国立がん研究センターの肝・胆・膵がんの本, 東京, 小学館クリエイティブ, 2018
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