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Group for Clinical Research

Division of Experimental Therapeutics


Research Project

Project for Supportive Care Research


  • This is a succeeded project that focuses on the theme of advancing translational research conducted in the Division of Supportive Care Research at EPOC since 2015. The aim is to develop unmet medical needs for cancer patients, such as novel analgesics that contribute to improve the quality of life (QOL) of cancer patients and drugs that improve cancer cachexia symptoms, with pharmaceutical companies. In collaboration with the Support and Palliative Development Research Support Office established at the National Cancer Center Hospital East in April 2020, we conduct translational research with developed preclinical seeds and compounds and convey them stages of Phase I or Phase II trials. Accordingly, we will innovate novel drugs that contribute to the improvement of supportive and palliative care in the clinical fields.
  • Kashiwa
Project for Prevention of HPV-related cancer


Superhuman Medical Care Project