
トップページ > 診療科・共通部門 > 内科系 > 病理・臨床検査科 > 研究について


病理・臨床検査科の医師は先端医療開発センター臨床腫瘍病理部分野バイオマーカー探索TR分野病理・臨床検査TR分野)と併任になっており、がんの生物学的特性の理解や新規治療法開発を目指した研究に従事しています。また、新規抗がん剤開発にかかわるバイオマーカー検索やコンパニオン診断法の開発にも積極的に取り組んでおり、国際共同治験や東病院で実施される世界に先駆けたFIH (first in human) 試験における病理中央診断を担うなど、さまざまな臨床研究の推進に貢献しています。このほか、2017年に国立がん研究センター東病院が「がんゲノム医療中核拠点病院」に指定されたことに合わせて、病理組織標本を用いた次世代型シークエンサーによる遺伝子変異解析も運用が開始され、国立がん研究センター内外の部門・研究室との共同研究を推進してゆく予定です。




  • NEW 第5回 がん研究センター中央病院病理診断科との合同研究発表会
    日時:2024年1月16日(火曜日) 9:00~
    臨床腫瘍病理分野 石川 俊平先生
  • NEW 第4回 名古屋大学腫瘍病理学教室との合同研究発表会
    日時:2023年12月27日(水曜日) 17:00~19:00
    坂下 信悟 「早期食道癌における代謝微小環境の探索」
    滝 哲郎 「肺癌における組織学的な腫瘍内不均一性の定量化とその臨床病理学的意義」
  • 第3回 東京大学・国立がん研究センター(柏)、合同研究発表会
    香川 洋輔(国立がん研究センター東病院 呼吸器内科)
    「Prognostic impact and gene expression analysis of peri-tumoral alveolar macrophage in resected lung adenocarcinoma」
    小嶋 基寛(国立がん研究センター先端医療開発センター臨床腫瘍病理分野ユニット長)
  • 第3回 東京医科歯科大学包括病理学教室・人体病理学教室との合同研究発表会
    足立 将大「病理形態像をもとにしたAIに対する解釈性向上の試み」
  • 第4回 がん研究センター中央病院病理診断科との合同研究発表会
    足立 将大「人工知能を用いたヒトパピローマウイルス関連中咽頭癌における病理組織学的特徴の抽出」
    坂本 直也「胃がんオルガノイドを用いた薬剤耐性関連分子の研究」
  • 第3回 名古屋大学腫瘍病理学教室との合同研究発表会
    日時:2022年12月08日(水曜日) 17:00~
    北岡 匠「Quantification of GREM1 throughout the tumor stroma using whole slide imaging and its clinicopathological significance in gastric cancer」
    坂下 信悟「弱教師あり学習を用いた、HPV関連中咽頭癌の特徴量解釈の試み」
  • 第2回 東京大学 人体病理学・病理診断学分野との合同研究発表会
    日時:2022年7月21日(木曜日) 17:00~
    坂下 信悟「異常検知型AIを用いた、細胞診スクリーニングシステム開発の試み」
    村田 翔平「肺腺癌において予後不良と関連する特徴的な血管浸潤像の同定およびその免疫微小環境」
  • 第3回 がん研究センター中央病院病理診断科との合同研究発表会
    日時:2022年06月14日(火曜日)  9:00~
    伊藤 雅文先生「造血幹細胞移植の病理」
  • 第2回 東京医科歯科大学包括病理学教室・人体病理学教室との合同研究発表会
    日時:2022年5月25日(水曜日) 17:00~
    坂本 直也「Transcriptome 解析による胃がんオルガノイドを用いた薬剤耐性関連分子の研究」
  • 第2回 名古屋大学腫瘍病理学教室との合同研究発表会
    日時:2021年12月15日(水曜日) 17:00~
    野村 幸太郎「肺腺癌のリンパ節転移巣における腫瘍微小環境に関する研究」
    原田 健司 「抗癌剤耐性オルガノイドの樹立とその解析」
  • 第2回 がん研究センター中央病院病理診断科との合同研究発表会
    日時:2021年10月19日(火曜日) 9:00~
    黒江 崇史 (柏) 「腎細胞癌における dirty necrosis の臨床病理学的特徴」
  • 第1回 東京大学 人体病理学・病理診断学分野との合同研究発表会
    日時:2021年07月01日(木曜日) 17:00~
    黒江 崇史「腎細胞癌における dirty necrosis (DN) の臨床病理学的検討」
    森末 遼 「肉腫様ないし未分化像を有する肝細胞癌の臨床病理学的検討」
  • 第1回 がん研究センター中央病院病理診断科との合同研究発表会
    日時:2020年12月22日(火曜日) 9:00~
    鈴木 敏之「肝胆膵腫瘍における物性と臨床病理学的因子との関連について」
  • 第1回 名古屋大学腫瘍病理学教室との合同研究発表会
    日時:2020年11月25日(水曜日) 17:00~
    森末 遼「肉腫様ないし未分化像を有する肝細胞癌における腫瘍免疫微小環境の特徴」
    坂本 直也「消化管がんオルガノイドを用いた抗がん剤耐性に関する検討」
  • 第1回 東京医科歯科大学包括病理学教室・人体病理学教室との合同研究発表会
    日時:2020年1月20日(水曜日) 17:00~
    小嶋 基寛「腫瘍の物性と臨床病理組織学的因子の関連」



  1. NEW Kuwata T. Molecular classification and intratumoral heterogeneity of gastric adenocarcinoma. Pathol Int. 2024 Online ahead of print.
  2. NEW Shirane Y, Fujii Y, Ono A, Nakahara H, Hayes CN, Miura R, Murakami S, Sakamoto N, Uchikawa S, Fujino H, Nakahara T, Murakami E, Yamauchi M, Miki D, Kawaoka T, Arihiro K, Tsuge M, Oka S. Peripheral T Cell Subpopulations as a Potential Surrogate Biomarker during Atezolizumab plus Bevacizumab Treatment for Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Cancers (Basel). 16(7):1328, 2024
  3. NEW Hoshi Y, Enokida T, Tamura S, Nakashima T, Okano S, Fujisawa T, Sato M, Wada A, Tanaka H, Takeshita N, Tanaka N, Onaga R, Kishida T, Uryu H, Sakashita S, Asakage T, Tahara M. Efficacy of anti-PD-1 monotherapy for recurrent or metastatic olfactory neuroblastoma. Front Oncol. 14:1379013, 2024
  4. NEW Habu T, Kumagai S, Bando H, Fujisawa T, Mishima S, Kotani D, Nakamura M, Hojo H, Sakashita S, Kinoshita T, Yano T, Mitsunaga S, Nishikawa H, Koyama S, Kojima T. Definitive chemoradiotherapy induces T-cell-inflamed tumor microenvironment in unresectable locally advanced esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. J Gastroenterol. 2024 Online ahead of print.
  5. NEW Miyasaka Y, Hiyama T, Kuno H, Shinozaki T, Tomioka T, Sakashita S, Kobayashi T. Imaging of salivary gland cancers derived from a sublingual gland herniated into the submandibular space: a report of three cases. Neuroradiology. 66(6):931-935, 2024
  6. NEW Sakashita M, Motoi N, Yamamoto G, Gambe E, Suzuki M, Yoshida Y, Watanabe SI, Takazawa Y, Aoki K, Ochiai A, Sakashita S. An algorithm-based technique for counting mitochondria in cells using immunohistochemical staining of formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded sections. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 150(4):172, 2024
  7. NEW Okunaka M, Kotani D, Fujiwara H, Sato K, Fujiwara N, Mishima S, Sakashita S, Yoshino T, Fujita T, Kojima T. Prognosis of patients with residual pathological disease after neoadjuvant docetaxel, cisplatin, and 5-fluorouracil therapy and surgery for esophageal squamous cell carcinoma: a retrospective cohort study. Ther Adv Med Oncol. 16:17588359241229432, 2024
  8. NEW Cai L, Gao Y, DeBerardinis RJ, Acquaah-Mensah G, Aidinis V, Beane JE, Biswal S, Chen T, Concepcion-Crisol CP, Grüner BM, Jia D, Jones R, Kurie JM, Lee MG, Lindahl P, Lissanu Y, Lorz Lopez MC, Martinelli R, Mazur PK, Mazzilli SA, Mii S, Moll H, Moorehead R, Morrisey EE, Ng SR, Oser MG, Pandiri AR, Powell CA, Ramadori G, Santos Lafuente M, Snyder E, Sotillo R, Su KY, Taki T, Taparra K, Xia Y, van Veen E, Winslow MM, Xiao G, Rudin CM, Oliver TG, Xie Y, Minna JD. A Lung Cancer Mouse Model Database. bioRxiv [Preprint]. 2024
  9. NEW Hashimoto T, Nakamura Y, Mishima S, Nakayama I, Kotani D, Kawazoe A, Kuboki Y, Bando H, Kojima T, Iida N, Shibuki T, Imai M, Fujisawa T, Nagamine M, Sakamoto N, Kuwata T, Yoshino T, Shitara K. Whole-transcriptome sequencing in advanced gastric or gastroesophageal cancer: A deep dive into its clinical potential. Cancer Sci. 115(5):1622-1633, 2024
  10. NEW Tamaru Y, Kuwai T, Kajiwara Y, Oka S, Saito S, Fukunaga Y, Kawachi H, Takamatsu M, Hotta K, Ikematsu H, Kojima M, Saito Y, Kanemitsu Y, Yamada M, Sekine S, Tanaka S, Nagata S, Nakamura T, Yamada K, Konno M, Ishihara S, Saitoh Y, Matsuda K, Togashi K, Komori K, Ishiguro M, Okuyama T, Ohuchi A, Ohnuma S, Sakamoto K, Sugai T, Katsumata K, Matsushita HO, Yamano HO, Nakai K, Uraoka T, Akimoto N, Kobayashi H, Ajioka Y, Sugihara K, Ueno H. Long-term outcomes of additional surgery after endoscopic resection versus primary surgery for T1 colorectal cancer. Am J Gastroenterol. 2024 Online ahead of print.
  11. NEW Tsukada Y, Bando H, Inamori K, Wakabayashi M, Togashi Y, Koyama S, Kotani D, Yuki S, Komatsu Y, Homma S, Taketomi A, Uemura M, Kato T, Fukui M, Nakamura N, Kojima M, Kawachi H, Kirsch R, Yoshida T, Sato A, Nishikawa H, Ito M, Yoshino T. Three-year outcomes of preoperative chemoradiotherapy plus nivolumab in microsatellite stable and microsatellite instability-high locally advanced rectal cancer. Br J Cancer. 2024 Online ahead of print.
  12. NEW Suzuki Y, Hasegawa H, Mori T, Teramura K, Tsukada Y, Sasaki T, Kojima M, Ito M. Cytological Analysis of the Surgical Field During Transanal Total Mesorectal Excision for Rectal Cancer: A Prospective Study. Dis Colon Rectum. 2024 Online ahead of print.
  13. NEW Minamide T, Ikematsu H, Kajiwara Y, Oka S, Ajioka Y, Ueno H; Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum. Impact of Lesion Location on Recurrence After Resection of T1 Colorectal Cancer: Post Hoc Analysis of a Nationwide Multicenter Cohort Study. Gastroenterology. 166(1):198-201.e3, 2024
  14. NEW Tsushima T, Sato N, Guo YM, Nakamura H, Kunisada K, Chi SG, Akie K, Takahashi Y, Nakamura S, Shimada K, Ishii G, Minami Y, Yuda J. Richter transformation acquiring PLCG2 mutation during Bruton tyrosine kinase inhibitors treatment. EJHaem. 5(3):642-645, 2024
  15. NEW Goto E, Taki T, Nomura K, Miyakami Y, Miyoshi T, Tane K, Samejima J, Aokage K, Nagamine M, Sakashita S, Sakamoto N, Kojima M, Suzuki K, Tsuboi M, Ishii G. Clinicopathological differences between EGFR mutated and EGFR wild-type lung adenocarcinoma with papillary predominant pattern. Lung Cancer. 192:107830, 2024
  16. NEW Nagasaki Y, Taki T, Nomura K, Tane K, Miyoshi T, Samejima J, Aokage K, Ohtani-Kim SJ, Kojima M, Sakashita S, Sakamoto N, Ishikawa S, Suzuki K, Tsuboi M, Ishii G. Spatial intratumor heterogeneity of programmed death-ligand 1 expression predicts poor prognosis in resected non-small cell lung cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2024 Online ahead of print.
  17. NEW Adachi M, Taki T, Sakamoto N, Kojima M, Hirao A, Matsuura K, Hayashi R, Tabuchi K, Ishikawa S, Ishii G, Sakashita S. Extracting interpretable features for pathologists using weakly supervised learning to predict p16 expression in oropharyngeal cancer. Sci Rep. 14(1):4506, 2024
  18. NEW Tabata S, Umemura S, Narita M, Udagawa H, Ishikawa T, Tsuboi M, Goto K, Ishii G, Tsuchihara K, Ochiai A, Kobayashi SS, Soga T, Makinoshima H. Metabolic Hallmarks for Purine Nucleotide Biosynthesis in Small Cell Lung Carcinoma. Mol Cancer Res. 22(1):82-93, 2024
  19. NEW Oka S, Tanaka S, Kajiwara Y, Saito S, Fukunaga Y, Takamatsu M, Kawachi H, Hotta K, Ikematsu H, Kojima M, Saito Y, Yamada M, Kanemitsu Y, Sekine S, Nagata S, Yamada K, Kobayashi N, Ishihara S, Saitoh Y, Matsuda K, Togashi K, Komori K, Ishiguro M, Kuwai T, Okuyama T, Ohuchi A, Ohnuma S, Sakamoto K, Sugai T, Katsumata K, Matsushita HO, Yamano HO, Eda H, Uraoka T, Akimoto N, Kobayashi H, Sugihara K, Ueno H. Treatment Decision for Locally Resected T1 Colorectal Carcinoma-Verification of the Japanese Guideline Criteria for Additional Surgery Based on Long-Term Clinical Outcomes. Am J Gastroenterol. 2024 Online ahead of print.
  20. NEW Takei S, Tanaka Y, Lin YT, Koyama S, Fukuoka S, Hara H, Nakamura Y, Kuboki Y, Kotani D, Kojima T, Bando H, Mishima S, Ueno T, Kojima S, Wakabayashi M, Sakamoto N, Kojima M, Kuwata T, Yoshino T, Nishikawa H, Mano H, Endo I, Shitara K, Kawazoe A. Multiomic molecular characterization of the response to combination immunotherapy in MSS/pMMR metastatic colorectal cancer. J Immunother Cancer. 12(2):e008210, 2024
  21. NEW Kagoura M, Kobayashi S, Kojima M, Kudo M, Sugimoto M, Konishi M, Gotohda N. Survival outcome of patient with pT1N0 biliary tract cancer treated with surgery alone. Eur J Surg Oncol. 50(3):107980, 2024
  22. NEW Qin Z, Yue M, Tang S, Wu F, Sun H, Li Y, Zhang Y, Izumi H, Huang H, Wang W, Xue Y, Tong X, Mori S, Taki T, Goto K, Jin Y, Li F, Li FM, Gao Y, Fang Z, Fang Y, Hu L, Yan X, Xu G, Chen H, Kobayashi SS, Ventura A, Wong KK, Zhu X, Chen L, Ren S, Chen LN, Ji H. EML4-ALK fusions drive lung adeno-to-squamous transition through JAK-STAT activation. J Exp Med. 221(3):e20232028, 2024
  23. NEW Sasaki T, Kuno H, Hiyama T, Oda S, Masuoka S, Miyasaka Y, Taki T, Nagasaki Y, Ohtani-Kim SJ, Ishii G, Kaku S, Shroff GS, Kobayashi T. 2021 WHO Classification of Lung Cancer: Molecular Biology Research and Radiologic-Pathologic Correlation. Radiographics. 44(3):e230136, 2024
  24. NEW Nomura K, Aokage K, Kaminuma Y, Nakai T, Wakabayashi M, Ikeno T, Koike Y, Taki T, Miyoshi T, Tane K, Samejima J, Ishii G, Tsuboi M. EGFR mutation impacts recurrence in high-risk early-stage lung adenocarcinoma in the IASLC grading system. Int J Clin Oncol. 29(3):248-257, 2024
  25. NEW Niimi T, Samejima J, Wakabayashi M, Miyoshi T, Tane K, Aokage K, Taki T, Nakai T, Ishii G, Kikuchi A, Yoshioka E, Yokose T, Ito H, Tsuboi M. Ten-year follow-up outcomes of limited resection trial for radiologically less-invasive lung cancer. Jpn J Clin Oncol. 54(4):479-488, 2024
  26. NEW Kitagawa S, Zenke Y, Taki T, Aokage K, Sakai T, Shibata Y, Izumi H, Nosaki K, Umemura S, Matsumoto S, Yoh K, Sakamoto N, Sakashita S, Kojima M, Tsuboi M, Goto K, Ishii G. Prognostic value of predominant subtype in pathological stage II-III lung adenocarcinoma with epidermal growth factor receptor mutation. Lung Cancer. 188:107453, 2024


  1. Nakai C, Mimaki S, Matsushima K, Shinozaki E, Yamazaki K, Muro K, Yamaguchi K, Nishina T, Yuki S, Shitara K, Bando H, Suzuki Y, Akagi K, Nomura S, Fujii S, Sugiyama M, Nishida N, Mizokami M, Koh Y, Koshizaka T, Okada H, Abe Y, Ohtsu A, Yoshino T, Tsuchihara K. Regulation of MEK inhibitor selumetinib sensitivity by AKT phosphorylation in the novel BRAF L525R mutant. Int J Clin Oncol. 28(5):654-663, 2023
  2. Arai N, Hattori N, Yamashita S, Liu YY, Ebata T, Takeuchi C, Takeshima H, Fujii S, Kondo H, Mukai H, Ushijima T.  HSD17B4 methylation enhances glucose dependence of BT-474 breast cancer cells and increases lapatinib sensitivity. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 201(2):317-328, 2023
  3. Oda S, Kuno H, Hiyama T, Sakashita S, Sasaki T, Kobayashi T. Reply to letter to the editor: Computed tomography-based radiomic analysis for predicting pathological response and prognosis after neoadjuvant chemotherapy in patients with locally advanced esophageal cancer. Abdom Radiol (NY). 48(9):3035-3037, 2023
  4. Mitsui T, Mori A, Takamatsu T, Kadota T, Sato K, Fukushima R, Okubo K, Umezawa M, Takemura H, Yokota H, Kuwata T, Kinoshita T, Ikematsu H, Yano T, Maeda S, Soga K. Evaluating the identification of the extent of gastric cancer by over-1000 nm near-infrared hyperspectral imaging using surgical specimens. J Biomed Opt. 28(8):086001, 2023
  5. Konishi Y, Taki T, Nakai T, Kuroe T, Morisue R, Miyoshi T, Tane K, Samejima J, Aokage K, Miyazaki S, Sakamoto N, Sakashita S, Watanabe R, Kojima M, Suzuki K, Tsuboi M, Ishii G. Clinicopathological features and prognostic impact of dirty necrosis in metastatic lung cancers from the colon and rectum. Cancer Sci. 114(5):2169-2177, 2023
  6. Adachi M, Aoyama N, Kojima M, Sakamoto N, Miyazaki S, Taki T, Watanabe R, Matsuura K, Kotani D, Kojima T, Fujita T, Tabuchi K, Ishii G, Sakashita S. The area of residual tumor predicts esophageal squamous cell carcinoma prognosis following neoadjuvant chemotherapy. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 149(8):4663-4673, 2023
  7. Oyoshi H, Du J, Sakai SA, Yamashita R, Okumura M, Motegi A, Hojo H, Nakamura M, Hirata H, Sunakawa H, Kotani D, Yano T, Kojima T, Nakamura Y, Kojima M, Suzuki A, Zenkoh J, Tsuchihara K, Akimoto T, Shibata A, Suzuki Y, Kageyama SI. Comprehensive single-cell analysis demonstrates radiotherapy-induced infiltration of macrophages expressing immunosuppressive genes into tumor in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Sci Adv. 9(50):eadh9069, 2023
  8. Minamide T, Ikematsu H, Kajiwara Y, Oka S, Ajioka Y, Ueno H; Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum. Impact of Lesion Location on Recurrence After Resection of T1 Colorectal Cancer: Post Hoc Analysis of a Nationwide Multicenter Cohort Study. Gastroenterology. 2023 Online ahead of print.
  9. Satake T, Shibuki T, Watanabe K, Sasaki M, Imaoka H, Mitsunaga S, Kojima M, Ikeda M. Case Report: Atezolizumab plus bevacizumab for combined hepatocellular-cholangiocarcinoma. Front Oncol. 13:1234113, 2023 eCollection
  10. Du J, Kageyama SI, Yamashita R, Tanaka K, Okumura M, Motegi A, Hojo H, Nakamura M, Hirata H, Sunakawa H, Kotani D, Yano T, Kojima T, Hamaya Y, Kojima M, Nakamura Y, Suzuki A, Suzuki Y, Tsuchihara K, Akimoto T. Transposable elements potentiate radiotherapy-induced cellular immune reactions via RIG-I-mediated virus-sensing pathways. Commun Biol. 6(1):818, 2023
  11. Kondo R, Sakamoto N, Harada K, Hashimoto H, Morisue R, Yanagihara K, Kinoshita T, Kojima M, Ishii G. Cancer-associated fibroblast-dependent and -independent invasion of gastric cancer cells. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 149(8):5309-5319, 2023
  12. Takeshita N, Enokida T, Okano S, Fujisawa T, Wada A, Sato M, Tanaka H, Tanaka N, Onaga R, Hoshi Y, Sakashita S, Ishii G, Tahara M. Weekly paclitaxel, carboplatin and cetuximab (PCE) combination followed by nivolumab for recurrent and/or metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (R/M SCCHN). Oral Oncol. 147:106615, 2023
  13. Tanabe K, Nakanishi Y, Okubo N, Matsumoto S, Umino Y, Kataoka M, Yajima S, Yoshida T, Miyazaki S, Kuwata T, Ishii G, Watanabe R, Masuda H. Prevalence and characteristics of patients with upper urinary tract urothelial carcinoma having potential Lynch syndrome identified by immunohistochemical universal screening and Amsterdam criteria II. BMC Cancer. 5;23(1):940, 2023
  14. Tanaka T, Umemura S, Miyoshi T, Nakai T, Noritake O, Suzuki J, Tane K, Samejima J, Aokage K, Mimaki S, Tsuchihara K, Taki T, Miyazaki S, Watanabe R, Sakashita S, Sakamoto N, Kojima M, Goto K, Ikeda N, Tsuboi M, Ishii G. The prognostic impact of a high number of peritumoral alveolar macrophages in neuroendocrine carcinoma in the lung. Pathol Int. 73(10):497-508, 2023
  15. Morisue R, Kojima M, Suzuki T, Watanabe R, Sakamoto N, Sakashita S, Harada K, Nakai T, Ishii G, Nakatsura T, Gotohda N, Ishikawa S. Common clinicopathological and immunological features of sarcomatoid carcinoma across organs: A histomorphology-based cross-organ study. Int J Cancer. 153(12):1997-2010, 2023
  16. Furue Y, Hori K, Tomioka T, Fujii S, Okano W, Shinozaki T, Kadota T, Yoda Y, Hayashi R, Yano T. Clinical outcome of endoscopic-assisted transoral surgery for superficial cancer of pharyngo-esophageal junction. Head Neck. 45(8):2098-2107, 2023
  17. Miyasaka Y, Hiyama T, Kuno H, Shinozaki T, Sakashita S, Kobayashi T. Characteristic imaging findings in a patient with chronic expanding hematoma on the floor of the mouth. Int Cancer Conf J. 12(3):185-189, 2023
  18. Kojima M, Yokota M, Yanagisawa N, Kitamura S, Amemiya K, Kawano S, Tsukada Y, Sakuyama N, Nagayasu K, Hashimoto T, Nakashima K, Jiang K, Kanemitsu Y, Fujita F, Akiba J, Notohara K, Itakura J, Sekine S, Sakashita S, Sakamoto N, Ishikawa S, Nakanishi Y, Yao T, Liang WY, Lauwers GY, Ito M, Sakamoto K, Ishii G, Ochiai A. Assessment of Elastic Laminal Invasion Contributes to an Objective pT3 Subclassification in Colon Cancer. Am J Surg Pathol. 47(10):1122-1133, 2023
  19. Igata Y, Kojima M, Suzuki T, Ishii G, Morisue R, Suzuki T, Kudo M, Sugimoto M, Kobayashi S, Martin JD, Stylianopoulos T, Cabral H, Kano MR, Konishi M, Gotohda N. Relationships between physical and immunological tumor microenvironment in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Cancer Sci. 114(9):3783-3792, 2023
  20. Minakata N, Sakashita S, Wakabayashi M, Nakamura Y, Sunakawa H, Yoda Y, Ishii G, Yano T. Immunohistochemistry and oxygen saturation endoscopic imaging reveal hypoxia in submucosal invasive esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Cancer Med. 12(15):15809-15819, 2023
  21. Kagawa Y, Nakai T, Taki T, Hashimoto H, Tanaka Y, Sakai T, Shibata Y, Izumi H, Nosaki K, Udagawa H, Zenke Y, Matsumoto S, Yoh K, Miyazaki S, Watanabe R, Kojima M, Sakashita S, Sakamoto N, Tsuboi M, Goto K, Ishii G. Prognostic impact and gene expression analysis of peri-tumoral alveolar macrophage in resected lung adenocarcinoma. Cancer Sci. 2114(8):3423-3432, 023
  22. Feng W, Inoue R, Kuwata T, Niikura N, Fujii S, Kumaki N, Honda K, Xu LA, Goetz A, Gaule P, Cogswell J, Rimm DL, McGee R. Assessment of the Impact of Alternative Fixatives on HER2 Detection in Breast Cancer and Gastric Cancer Tumor Specimens. Appl Immunohistochem Mol Morphol. 31(5):339-345, 2023
  23. Oda S, Kuno H, Hiyama T, Sakashita S, Sasaki T, Kobayashi T. Computed tomography-based radiomic analysis for predicting pathological response and prognosis after neoadjuvant chemotherapy in patients with locally advanced esophageal cancer. Abdom Radiol (NY). 48(8):2503-2513, 2023
  24. Ohtani-Kim SJ, Taki T, Tane K, Miyoshi T, Samejima J, Aokage K, Nagasaki Y, Kojima M, Sakashita S, Watanabe R, Sakamoto N, Goto K, Tsuboi M, Ishii G. Efficacy of Preoperative Biopsy in Predicting the Newly Proposed Histologic Grade of Resected Lung Adenocarcinoma. Mod Pathol. 36(9):100209, 2023
  25. Yoshida T, Yatabe Y, Kato K, Ishii G, Hamada A, Mano H, Sunami K, Yamamoto N, Kohno T. The evolution of cancer genomic medicine in Japan and the role of the National Cancer Center Japan. Cancer Biol Med. 2023 Online ahead of print.
  26. Akimoto E, Kuwata T, Shitara K, Kawazoe A, Sakamoto N, Ishii G, Ochiai A, Kinoshita T. Impact of Programmed Death-Ligand 1 Expression on Mismatch Repair Deficiency and Epstein-Barr Virus Status on Survival Outcomes in Patients with Stage II/III Gastric Cancer After Surgery. Ann Surg Oncol. 30(8):5227-5236, 2023
  27. Morishita Y, Sakashita S, Tomioka T, Okano W, Shinozaki T, Higashino T, Matsuura K, Hayashi R. Human papillomavirus-related multiphenotypic sinonasal carcinoma. Auris Nasus Larynx. 50(1):151-155, 2023
  28. Masuoka S, Hiyama T, Kuno H, Sekiya K, Sakashita S, Kobayashi T. Imaging Approach for Cervical Lymph Node Metastases from Unknown Primary Tumor. Radiographics. 43(3):e220071, 2023
  29. Kajiwara Y, Oka S, Tanaka S, Nakamura T, Saito S, Fukunaga Y, Takamatsu M, Kawachi H, Hotta K, Ikematsu H, Kojima M, Saito Y, Yamada M, Kanemitsu Y, Sekine S, Nagata S, Yamada K, Kobayashi N, Ishihara S, Saitoh Y, Matsuda K, Togashi K, Komori K, Ishiguro M, Kuwai T, Okuyama T, Ohuchi A, Ohnuma S, Sakamoto K, Sugai T, Katsumata K, Matsushita HO, Yamano HO, Eda H, Uraoka T, Akimoto N, Kobayashi H, Ajioka Y, Sugihara K, Ueno H. Nomogram as a novel predictive tool for lymph node metastasis in T1 colorectal cancer treated with endoscopic resection: A nationwide, multicenter study. Gastrointest Endosc. S0016-5107(23)00026-3, 2023
  30. Matsuda Y, Ye J, Yamakawa K, Mukai Y, Azuma K, Wu L, Masutomi K, Yamashita T, Daigo Y, Miyagi Y, Yokose T, Oshima T, Ito H, Morinaga S, Kishida T, Minamoto T, Kojima M, Kaneko S, Haba R, Kontani K, Kanaji N, Okano K, Muto-Ishizuka M, Yokohira M, Saoo K, Imaida K, Suizu F. Association of longer telomere length in cancer cells and cancer-associated fibroblasts with worse prognosis. J Natl Cancer Inst. 115(2):208-218, 2023
  31. Morii E, Hatanaka Y, Motoi N, Kawahara A, Hamakawa S, Kuwata T, Nagatomo T, Oda Y, Okamoto A, Tanaka R, Iyoda A, Ichiro M, Matsuo Y, Nakamura N, Nakai T, Fukuhara M, Tokita K, Yamaguchi T, Takenaka M, Kawabata A, Hatanaka KC, Tsubame K, Satoh Y; Working Group on Cytology in the Era of Genomic Medicine. Guidelines for Handling of Cytological Specimens in Cancer Genomic Medicine. Pathobiology. 8:1-23, 2023
  32. Tanaka Y, Nakai T, Suzuki A, Kagawa Y, Noritake O, Taki T, Hashimoto H, Sakai T, Shibata Y, Izumi H, Nosaki K, Udagawa H, Zenke Y, Matsumoto S, Yoh K, Miyazaki S, Sakamoto N, Sakashita S, Kojima M, Watanbe R, Tsuboi M, Goto K, Ishii G. Clinicopathological significance of peritumoral alveolar macrophages in patients with resected early-stage lung squamous cell carcinoma. Cancer Immunol Immunother. 72(7):2205-2215, 2023.
  33. Sakashita S, Sakamoto N, Kojima M, Taki T, Miyazaki S, Minakata N, Sasabe M, Kinoshita T, Ishii G, Ochiai A. Requirement of image standardization for AI-based macroscopic diagnosis for surgical specimens of gastric cancer. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 149(9):6467-6477, 2023
  34. Kuroe T, Watanabe R, Morisue R, Miyazaki S, Kojima M, Murata SC, Nakai T, Taki T, Sakashita S, Sakamoto N, Matsubara N, Masuda H, Ushiku T, Ishii G. Dirty necrosis in renal cell carcinoma is associated with NETosis and systemic inflammation. Cancer Med. 12(4):4557-4567, 2023.
  35. Sakai T, Aokage K, Miyoshi T, Tane K, Ishii G, Goto K, Tsuboi M. Tumor size exceeding 5 cm as a valid prognostic factor in all stages of thymic epithelial tumors. Surg Today. 53(1):42-50, 2023
  36. Murano T, Ikematsu H, Shinmura K, Okumura K, Kuwata T, Ushiama M, Yoshida T, Takashima K, Nakajo K, Kadota T, Yoda Y, Oono Y, Yano T. Endoscopic management of familial adenomatous polyposis targeting colorectal lesions greater than 5 mm in size: a single-center retrospective study. Fam Cancer. 22(1):83-89, 2023
  37. Nakagama Y, Chi SG, Minami Y, Watanabe R, Yamagishi M, Atsuko U, Kido Y. Patients with B-cell malignancies experience reduced antibody responses with class switching defect following BNT162b2 SARS-CoV-2 vaccination. J Infect Chemother. 29(1):112-114, 2023
  38. Kotani D, Nakamura Y, Fujisawa T, Bando H, Sakamoto N, Johns AL, Park K; ICGC-ARGO, Casolino R, Yoshino T, Biankin AV. ICGC-ARGO precision medicine: targeted therapy according to longitudinal assessment of tumour heterogeneity in colorectal cancer. Lancet Oncol. 24(1):20-21, 2023


  1. Naito Y, Notohara K, Omori Y, Aishima S, Itoi T, Ohike N, Okabe Y, Kojima M, Tajiri T, Tanaka M, Tsuneki M, Nakagohri T, Norose T, Hirabayashi K, Fukumura Y, Mitsuhashi T, Yamaguchi H, Fukushima N, Furukawa T. Diagnostic Categories and Key Features for Pathological Diagnosis of Endoscopic Ultrasound-Guided Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy Samples of Pancreatic Lesions: A Consensus Study. Pancreas. 51(9):1105-1111, 2022
  2. Morishita Y, Takenouchi K, Sakashita S, Matsuura K, Hayashi R, Nakatsura T. Immunohistochemical Analysis of Common Cancer Antigens in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Anticancer Res. 42(12):5751-5761, 2022

  3. Harada K, Sakamoto N. Cancer organoid applications to investigate chemotherapy resistance. Front Mol Biosci. 9:1067207, 2022
  4. Takahashi S, Ohno I, Ikeda M, Konishi M, Kobayashi T, Akimoto T, Kojima M, Morinaga S, Toyama H, Shimizu Y, Miyamoto A, Tomikawa M, Takakura N, Takayama W, Hirano S, Otsubo T, Nagino M, Kimura W, Sugimachi K, Uesaka K. Neoadjuvant S-1 With Concurrent Radiotherapy Followed by Surgery for Borderline Resectable Pancreatic Cancer: A Phase II Open-label Multicenter Prospective Trial (JASPAC05). Ann Surg. 276(5):e510-e517, 2022
  5. Hattori H, Sakashita S, Tsuboi M, Ishii G, Tanaka T. Tumor-identification method for predicting recurrence of early-stage lung adenocarcinoma using digital pathology images by machine learning. J Pathol Inform. 14:100175, 2022
  6. Panagi M, Mpekris F, Chen P, Voutouri C, Nakagawa Y, Martin JD, Hiroi T, Hashimoto H, Demetriou P, Pierides C, Samuel R, Stylianou A, Michael C, Fukushima S, Georgiou P, Papageorgis P, Papaphilippou PC, Koumas L, Costeas P, Ishii G, Kojima M, Kataoka K, Cabral H, Stylianopoulos T. Polymeric micelles effectively reprogram the tumor microenvironment to potentiate nano-immunotherapy in mouse breast cancer models. Nat Commun. 13(1):7165, 2022
  7. Tamiya Y, Nakai T, Suzuki A, Mimaki S, Tsuchihara K, Sato K, Yoh K, Matsumoto S, Zenke Y, Nosaki K, Izumi H, Shibata Y, Sakai T, Taki T, Miyazaki S, Watanabe R, Sakamoto N, Sakashita S, Kojima M, Hashimoto N, Tsuboi M, Goto K, Ishii G. The impact of tertiary lymphoid structures on clinicopathological, genetic and gene expression characteristics in lung adenocarcinoma. Lung Cancer. 174:125-132, 2022
  8. Itahashi K, Irie T, Yuda J, Kumagai S, Tanegashima T, Lin YT, Watanabe S, Goto Y, Suzuki J, Aokage K, Tsuboi M, Minami Y, Ishii G, Ohe Y, Ise W, Kurosaki T, Suzuki Y, Koyama S, Nishikawa H. BATF epigenetically and transcriptionally controls the activation program of regulatory T cells in human tumors. Sci Immunol. 7(76):eabk0957, 2022
  9. Fujii S, Kotani D, Hattori M, Nishihara M, Shikanai T, Hashimoto J, Hama Y, Nishino T, Suzuki M, Yoshidumi A, Ueno M, Komatsu Y, Masuishi T, Hara H, Esaki T, Nakamura Y, Bando H, Yamada T, Yoshino T. Rapid Screening Using Pathomorphologic Interpretation to Detect BRAFV600E Mutation and Microsatellite Instability in Colorectal Cancer. Clin Cancer Res. 2, 28(12):2623-2632. 2022
  10.  Aoki Y, Kawazoe A, Kubota Y, Chida K, Mishima S, Kotani D, Nakamura Y, Kuboki Y, Bando H, Kojima T, Doi T, Yoshino T, Kuwata T, Shitara K. Characteristics and clinical outcomes of patients with advanced gastric or gastroesophageal cancer treated in and out of randomized clinical trials of first-line immune checkpoint inhibitors. Int J Clin Oncol. 27(9):1413-1420, 2022.
  11. Yukami H, Kawazoe A, Lin YT, Koyama S, Fukuoka S, Hara H, Takahashi N, Kojima T, Asayama M, Yoshii T, Bando H, Kotani D, Nakamura Y, Kuboki Y, Mishima S, Wakabayashi M, Kuwata T, Goto M, Higuchi K, Yoshino T, Doi T, Nishikawa H, Shitara K. Updated efficacy outcomes of anti-PD-1 antibodies plus multikinase inhibitors for advanced gastric cancer patients with or without liver metastases in clinical trials. Clin Cancer Res. 28(16):3480-3488, 2022
  12. Kamigaichi A, Aokage K, Katsumata S, Ishii G, Wakabayashi M, Miyoshi T, Tane K, Samejima J, Tsuboi M. Prognostic impact of examined mediastinal lymph node count in clinical N0 non-small cell lung cancer. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 62(2):ezac359, 2022
  13. Noritake O, Aokage K, Suzuki A, Tane K, Miyoshi T, Samejima J, Yoshikawa T, Murata SC, Nakai T, Tsuboi M, Ishii G. Prognostic impact of the number of peri-tumoral alveolar macrophages in patients with stage I lung adenocarcinoma. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 148(12):3437-3447, 2022.
  14. Kudo M, Ishii G, Gotohda N, Konishi M, Takahashi S, Kobayashi S, Sugimoto M, Martin JD, Cabral H, Kojima M. Histological tumor necrosis in pancreatic cancer after neoadjuvant therapy. Oncol Rep. 48(1):121, 2022
  15. Fujimoto S, Matsuura K, Nakamura H, Sakashita S, Hayashi R. Adult T-Cell Leukemia/Lymphoma With Extranodal Involvement of the Hypopharynx. Cureus. 14(2):e22723, 2022
  16. Yanagihara K, Iino Y, Yokozaki H, Kubo T, Oda T, Kubo T, Komatsu M, Sasaki H, Ichikawa H, Kuwata T, Seyama T, Ochiai A. A Comparative Study of Patient-Derived Tumor Models of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Involving Orthotopic Implantation. Pathobiology. 89(4):222-232, 2022
  17. Chida K, Kawazoe A, Suzuki T, Kawazu M, Ueno T, Takenouchi K, Nakamura Y, Kuboki Y, Kotani D, Kojima T, Bando H, Mishima S, Kuwata T, Sakamoto N, Watanabe J, Mano H, Ikeda M, Shitara K, Endo I, Nakatsura T, Yoshino T. Transcriptomic profiling of MSI-H/dMMR gastrointestinal tumors to identify determinants of responsiveness to anti-PD-1 therapy. Clin Cancer Res. 28(10):2110-2117, 2022
  18. Nomura H, Tsuji D, Ueno S, Kojima T, Fujii S, Yano T, Daiko H, Demachi K, Itoh K, Kawasaki T. Relevance of pharmacogenetic polymorphisms with response to docetaxel, cisplatin, and 5-fluorouracil chemotherapy in esophageal cancer. Invest New Drugs. 40(2):420-429, 2022
  19. Sato D, Kadota T, Inaba A, Nishihara K, Takashima K, Nakajo K, Sawada K, Kotani D, Fujiwara H, Yoda Y, Kojima T, Fujita T, Fujii S, Yano T. Long-term clinical outcome after endoscopic resection of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma invading the muscularis mucosae without lymphovascular invasion. Gastrointest Endosc. 95(4):634-641,e3, 2022
  20. Okunaka M, Kotani D, Demachi K, Fujiwara H, Sakashita S, Yoshino T, Fujita T, Kojima T. Significance of chemotherapy-free interval and tumor regression grade in patients with recurrent esophageal squamous cell carcinoma receiving chemotherapy with fluorouracil and platinum after esophagectomy following preoperative chemotherapy. Esophagus. 19(2):240-249, 2022
  21. Notohara K, Kamisawa T, Furukawa T, Fukushima N, Uehara T, Kasashima S, Iwasaki E, Kanno A, Kawashima A, Kubota K, Kuraishi Y, Motoya M, Naitoh I, Nishino T, Sakagami J, Shimizu K, Tomono T, Aishima S, Fukumura Y, Hirabayashi K, Kojima M, Mitsuhashi T, Naito Y, Ohike N, Tajiri T, Yamaguchi H, Fujiwara H, Ibuki E, Kobayashi S, Miyaoka M, Nagase M, Nakashima J, Nakayama M, Oda S, Taniyama D, Tsuyama S, Watanabe S, Ikeura T, Kawa S, Okazaki K. Concordance of the histological diagnosis of type 1 autoimmune pancreatitis and its distinction from pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma with endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle biopsy specimens: an interobserver agreement study. Virchows Arch. 480(3):565-575, 2022
  22. Takashima K, Koga Y, Anzai T, Migita K, Yamaguchi T, Ishikawa A, Sakashita S, Yasunaga M, Yano T. Evaluation of Fluorescence Intensity and Antitumor Effect Using Real-Time Imaging in Photoimmunotherapy. Pharmaceuticals (Basel). 15(2):223, 2022
  23. Yagi N, Suzuki T, Mizuno S, Kojima M, Kudo M, Sugimoto M, Kobayashi S, Gotohda N, Ishii G, Nakatsura T. Component with abundant immune-related cells in combined hepatocellular cholangiocarcinoma identified by cluster analysis. Cancer Sci. 113(5):1564-1574, 2022
  24. Matsuda Y, Yamashita T, Ye J, Yasukawa M, Yamakawa K, Mukai Y, Machitani M, Daigo Y, Miyagi Y, Yokose T, Oshima T, Ito H, Morinaga S, Kishida T, Minamoto T, Yamada S, Takei J, Kaneko MK, Kojima M, Kaneko S, Masaki T, Hirata M, Haba R, Kontani K, Kanaji N, Miyatake N, Okano K, Kato Y, Masutomi K. Phosphorylation of hTERT at threonine 249 is a novel tumor biomarker of aggressive cancer with poor prognosis in multiple organs. J Pathol. 257(2):172-185, 2022
  25. Bando H, Tsukada Y, Inamori K, Togashi Y, Koyama S, Kotani D, Fukuoka S, Yuki S, Komatsu Y, Homma S, Taketomi A, Uemura M, Kato T, Fukui M, Wakabayashi M, Nakamura N, Kojima M, Kawachi H, Kirsch R, Yoshida T, Suzuki Y, Sato A, Nishikawa H, Ito M, Yoshino T. Preoperative Chemoradiotherapy plus Nivolumab before Surgery in Patients with Microsatellite Stable and Microsatellite Instability-High Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer. Clin Cancer Res. 28(6):1136-1146, 2022
  26. Kumagai S, Koyama S, Itahashi K, Tanegashima T, Lin YT, Togashi Y, Kamada T, Irie T, Okumura G, Kono H, Ito D, Fujii R, Watanabe S, Sai A, Fukuoka S, Sugiyama E, Watanabe G, Owari T, Nishinakamura H, Sugiyama D, Maeda Y, Kawazoe A, Yukami H, Chida K, Ohara Y, Yoshida T, Shinno Y, Takeyasu Y, Shirasawa M, Nakama K, Aokage K, Suzuki J, Ishii G, Kuwata T, Sakamoto N, Kawazu M, Ueno T, Mori T, Yamazaki N, Tsuboi M, Yatabe Y, Kinoshita T, Doi T, Shitara K, Mano H, Nishikawa H. Lactic acid promotes PD-1 expression in regulatory T cells in highly glycolytic tumor microenvironments. Cancer Cell. 40(2):201-218, 2022
  27. Niimi T, Nakai T, Aokage K, Tane K, Miyoshi T, Samejima J, Miyazaki S, Taki T, Sakamoto N, Sakashita S, Watanabe R, Kojima M, Suzuki K, Tsuboi M, Ishii G. Prognostic impact of count of extratumoral lymphatic permeation in lung adenocarcinoma and its relation to the immune microenvironment. Cancer Sci. 113(4):1497-1506, 2022.
  28. Eguchi Y, Nakai T, Kojima M, Wakabayashi M, Sakamoto N, Sakashita S, Miyazaki S, Taki T, Watanabe R, Watanuki R, Yamauchi C, Iwatani T, Mukohara T, Onishi T, Ishii G. Pathologic method for extracting good prognosis group in triple negative breast cancer after neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Cancer Sci. 113(4):1507-1518, 2022.
  29. Nomura K, Nakai T, Nishina Y, Sakamoto N, Miyoshi T, Tane K, Samejima J, Aokage K, Kojima M, Sakashita S, Taki T, Miyazaki S, Watanabe R, Suzuki K, Tsuboi M, Ishii G. 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose uptake in PET is associated with the tumor microenvironment in metastatic lymph nodes and prognosis in N2 lung adenocarcinoma. Cancer Sci. 113(4):1488-1496, 2022.
  30. Nakajima H, Harano K, Nakai T, Kusuhara S, Nakao T, Funasaka C, Kondoh C, Matsubara N, Naito Y, Hosono A, Mitsunaga S, Ishii G, Mukohara T. Impacts of clinicopathological factors on efficacy of trastuzumab deruxtecan in patients with HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer. Breast. 61:136-144, 2022
  31. Suzuki J, Tsuboi M, Ishii G. Cancer-associated fibroblasts and the tumor microenvironment in non-small cell lung cancer. Expert Rev Anticancer Ther. 22(2):169-182, 2022
  32. Nishikawa T, Watanabe R, Kitano Y, Yamamichi A, Motomura K, Ohka F, Aoki K, Hirano M, Kato A, Yamaguchi J, Maeda S, Kibe Y, Saito R, Wakabayashi T, Kato Y, Sato S, Ogino T, Natsume A, Ito I. Reliability of IDH1-R132H and ATRX and/or p53 immunohistochemistry for molecular subclassification of Grade 02月03日 gliomas. Brain Tumor Pathol. 39(1):14-24, 2022
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  34. Tane K, Miyoshi T, Samejima J, Aokage K, Ishii G, Tsuboi M. Lymph node metastasis and predictive factors in clinical stage IA squamous cell carcinoma of the lung based on radiological findings. Gen Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 70(1):52-58, 2022


  1. Tanabe K, Nakanishi Y, Matsumoto S, Yajima S, Kuroe T, Watanabe R, Arai Y, Iwata S, Ito M, Masuda H. Utility of a multidisciplinary team approach with transanal total mesorectal excision for resection of a large pelvic solitary fibrous tumor. IJU Case Rep. 5(2):104-107,2021
  2. Ikematsu H, Ishihara M, Okawa S, Minamide T, Mitsui T, Kuwata T, Ito M, Kinoshita T, Fujita T, Yano T, Omori T, Ozawa S, Murakoshi D, Irisawa K, Ochiai A. Photoacoustic imaging of fresh human surgically and endoscopically resected gastrointestinal specimens. DEN open. 2(1):e28, 2021
  3. Masuoka S, Hiyama T, Kuno H, Morishita Y, Sakashita S, Kobayashi T. A case of Epstein-Barr virus-positive mucocutaneous ulcer of the hypopharynx: a mimicker of hypopharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma. Int Cancer Conf J. 11(1):71-74, 2021
  4. Tanabe K, Nakanishi Y, Matsumoto S, Yajima S, Watanabe R, Masuda H. Rectal constriction due to metastasis of urothelial carcinoma of the bladder: A case report. Urol Case Rep. 39:101833, 2021
  5. Nakamura Y, Okamoto W, Kato T, Esaki T, Kato K, Komatsu Y, Yuki S, Masuishi T, Nishina T, Ebi H, Sawada K, Taniguchi H, Fuse N, Nomura S, Fukui M, Matsuda S, Sakamoto Y, Uchigata H, Kitajima K, Kuramoto N, Asakawa T, Olsen S, Odegaard JI, Sato A, Fujii S, Ohtsu A, Yoshino T. Circulating tumor DNA-guided treatment with pertuzumab plus trastuzumab for HER2-amplified metastatic colorectal cancer: a phase 2 trial. Nat Med. 27(11):1899-1903, 2021
  6. Morishita Y, Sakashita S, Tomioka T, Okano W, Shinozaki T, Higashino T, Matsuura K, Hayashi R. Human papillomavirus-related multiphenotypic sinonasal carcinoma. Auris Nasus Larynx. 2021 Online ahead of print.
  7. Kudo-Saito C, Ogiwara Y, Imazeki H, Boku N, Uemura Y, Zhang R, Kawano-Nagatsuma A, Kojima M, Ochiai A. CD11b+DIP2A+LAG3+ cells facilitate immune dysfunction in colorectal cancer. Am J Cancer Res. 11(11):5428-5439, 2021
  8. Izumi H, Matsumoto S, Liu J, Tanaka K, Mori S, Hayashi K, Kumagai S, Shibata Y, Hayashida T, Watanabe K, Fukuhara T, Ikeda T, Yoh K, Kato T, Nishino K, Nakamura A, Nakachi I, Kuyama S, Furuya N, Sakakibara-Konishi J, Okamoto I, Taima K, Ebi N, Daga H, Yamasaki A, Kodani M, Udagawa H, Kirita K, Zenke Y, Nosaki K, Sugiyama E, Sakai T, Nakai T, Ishii G, Niho S, Ohtsu A, Kobayashi SS, Goto K. The CLIP1-LTK fusion is an oncogenic driver in non-small-cell lung cancer. Nature. 600(7888):319-323, 2021
  9. Takeuchi Y, Tanegashima T, Sato E, Irie T, Sai A, Itahashi K, Kumagai S, Tada Y, Togashi Y, Koyama S, Akbay EA, Karasaki T, Kataoka K, Funaki S, Shintani Y, Nagatomo I, Kida H, Ishii G, Miyoshi T, Aokage K, Kakimi K, Ogawa S, Okumura M, Eto M, Kumanogoh A, Tsuboi M, Nishikawa H. Highly immunogenic cancer cells require activation of the WNT pathway for immunological escape. Sci Immunol. 6(65):eabc6424, 2021
  10. Sakai T, Udagawa H, Kirita K, Nomura S, Itotani R, Tamiya Y, Sugimoto A, Ota T, Naito T, Izumi H, Nosaki K, Ikeda T, Zenke Y, Matsumoto S, Yoh K, Niho S, Nakai T, Ishii G, Goto K. Comparison of the efficiency of endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration using a 22G needle versus 25G needle for the diagnosis of lymph node metastasis in patients with lung cancer: a prospective randomized, crossover study. Transl Lung Cancer Res. 10(9):3745-3758, 2021
  11. Ikeda M, Fujii S, Morishita Y, Hayashi R. Value of intraoperative pathological diagnosis in decision-making regarding resection of well-differentiated retropharyngeal liposarcoma: A case report. Int J Surg Case Rep. 88:106466, 2021
  12. Hatanaka Y, Kuwata T, Morii E, Kanai Y, Ichikawa H, Kubo T, Hatanaka KC, Sakai K, Nishio K, Fujii S, Okamoto W, Yoshino T, Ochiai A, Oda Y. The Japanese Society of Pathology Practical Guidelines on the handling of pathological tissue samples for cancer genomic medicine. Pathol Int. 71(11):725-740, 2021
  13. Kameyama A, Ye J, Shimomura A, Yokohira M, Nakano-Narusawa Y, Yamakawa K, Mukai Y, Sanomura T, Okuyama H, Miyatake N, Furihata M, Tanaka C, Kitazawa R, Bando Y, Suemitsu Y, Kojima M, Mino-Kenudson M, Suzuki Y, Okano K, Matsuda Y. Reproducibility and prognostic significance of area of residual tumor (ART) in post-neoadjuvant resections of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Pancreatology. 21(8):1506-1515, 2021
  14. Kobayashi S, Takahashi S, Nomura S, Kojima M, Kudo M, Sugimoto M, Konishi M, Gotohda N, Taniguchi H, Yoshino T. BRAF V600E potentially determines "Oncological Resectability" for "Technically Resectable" colorectal liver metastases. Cancer Med. 10(20):6998-7011, 2021
  15. Ishizu K, Hashimoto T, Naka T, Yatabe Y, Kojima M, Kuwata T, Nonaka S, Oda I, Esaki M, Kudo M, Gotohda N, Yoshida T, Yoshikawa T, Sekine S. APC mutations are common in adenomas but infrequent in adenocarcinomas of the non-ampullary duodenum. J Gastroenterol. 56(11):988-998, 2021
  16. Akimoto E, Tokunaga M, Sato R, Yoshida A, Naito Y, Yamashita R, Kinoshita T, Kuwata T. Gastric mesenchymal tumor with smooth muscle differentiation and echinoderm microtubule-associated protein-like 4-anaplastic lymphoma kinase (EML4-ALK) fusion. Pathol Int. 71(10):707-711, 2021
  17. Jogo T, Nakamura Y, Shitara K, Bando H, Yasui H, Esaki T, Terazawa T, Satoh T, Shinozaki E, Nishina T, Sunakawa Y, Komatsu Y, Hara H, Oki E, Matsuhashi N, Ohta T, Kato T, Ohtsubo K, Kawakami T, Okano N, Yamamoto Y, Yamada T, Tsuji A, Odegaard JI, Taniguchi H, Doi T, Fujii S, Yoshino T. Circulating Tumor DNA Analysis Detects FGFR2 Amplification and Concurrent Genomic Alterations Associated with FGFR Inhibitor Efficacy in Advanced Gastric Cancer. Clin Cancer Res. 27(20):5619-5627, 2021
  18. Kobayashi H, Nakai T, Nakanishi Y, Esumi M, Masuda S. Phylogenetic analysis of combined lobular and ductal carcinoma of the breast. Mol Med Rep. 24(4):718, 2021
  19. Yoh K, Matsumoto S, Furuya N, Nishino K, Miyamoto S, Oizumi S, Okamoto N, Itani H, Kuyama S, Nakamura A, Nishi K, Fukuda I, Tsuta K, Hayashi Y, Motoi N, Ishii G, Goto K. Comprehensive assessment of PD-L1 expression, tumor mutational burden and oncogenic driver alterations in non-small cell lung cancer patients treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors. Lung Cancer. 159:128-134, 2021
  20. Oiwa H, Aokage K, Suzuki A, Sato K, Kuroe T, Mimaki S, Tane K, Miyoshi T, Samejima J, Tsuchihara K, Goto K, Funai K, Tsuboi M, Nakai T, Ishii G. Clinicopathological, gene expression and genetic features of stage I lung adenocarcinoma with necrosis. Lung Cancer. 159:74-83, 2021
  21. Nakasone S, Suzuki A, Okazaki H, Onodera K, Zenkoh J, Ishii G, Suzuki Y, Tsuboi M, Tsuchihara K. Predictive markers based on transcriptome modules for vinorelbine-based adjuvant chemotherapy for lung adenocarcinoma patients. Lung Cancer. 158:115-125, 2021
  22. Sunakawa H, Yoda Y, Takeshita N, Hasegawa H, Takashima K, Kadota T, Fujita T, Akimoto T, Fujii S, Yano T. Endoscopic resection combined with the Cryoballoon focal ablation system in the porcine normal esophagus: a preclinical study. BMC Gastroenterol. 21(1):234, 2021
  23. Hoshino H, Aokage K, Miyoshi T, Tane K, Kojima M, Sugano M, Kuwata T, Ochiai A, Suzuki K, Tsuboi M, Ishii G. Correlation between the number of viable tumor cells and immune cells in the tumor microenvironment in non-small cell lung cancer after induction therapy. Pathol Int. 71(8):512-520, 2021
  24. Katsumata S, Tane K, Suzuki J, Miyoshi T, Samejima J, Aokage K, Ishii G, Tsuboi M. Mediastinal lymph node dissection for the elderly with clinical stage I non-small cell lung cancer. Gen Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 69(12):1560-1566, 2021
  25. Sugimoto A, Umemura S, Miyoshi T, Nakai T, Kuroe T, Nosaki K, Ikeda T, Udagawa H, Kirita K, Zenke Y, Matsumoto S, Yoh K, Niho S, Tsuboi M, Goto K, Ishii G. High proportion of tumor necrosis predicts poor survival in surgically resected high-grade neuroendocrine carcinoma of the lung. Lung Cancer. 157:1-8, 2021
  26. Komine R, Kojima M, Ishii G, Kudo M, Sugimoto M, Kobayashi S, Takahashi S, Konishi M, Kobayashi T, Akimoto T, Murakami A, Sasaki M, Tanaka M, Matsuzaki A, Ohike N, Uchida K, Sugiyama T, Hirabayashi K, Tajiri T, Ishida K, Kai K, Omori Y, Notohara K, Yamaguchi H, Matsuda Y, Naito Y, Fukumura Y, Hamada Y, Mihara Y, Masugi Y, Gotohda N, Harada K, Fukushima N, Furukawa T. Recognition and pathological features of periampullary region adenocarcinoma with an indeterminable origin. Cancer Med. 10(11):3499-3510, 2021
  27. Chida K, Kawazoe A, Kawazu M, Suzuki T, Nakamura Y, Nakatsura T, Kuwata T, Ueno T, Kuboki Y, Kotani D, Kojima T, Taniguchi H, Mano H, Ikeda M, Shitara K, Endo I, Yoshino T. A Low Tumor Mutational Burden and PTEN Mutations Are Predictors of a Negative Response to PD-1 Blockade in MSI-H/dMMR Gastrointestinal Tumors. Clin Cancer Res. 27(13):3714-3724, 2021
  28. Takamatsu T, Kitagawa Y, Akimoto K, Iwanami R, Endo Y, Takashima K, Okubo K, Umezawa M, Kuwata T, Sato D, Kadota T, Mitsui T, Ikematsu H, Yokota H, Soga K, Takemura H. Over 1000 nm Near-Infrared Multispectral Imaging System for Laparoscopic In Vivo Imaging. Sensors (Basel). 21(8):2649, 2021
  29. Okubo S, Suzuki T, Hioki M, Shimizu Y, Toyama H, Morinaga S, Gotohda N, Uesaka K, Ishii G, Takahashi S, Kojima M. The immunological impact of preoperative chemoradiotherapy on the tumor microenvironment of pancreatic cancer. Cancer Sci. 112(7):2895-2904, 2021
  30. Terao T, Yuda J, Yamauchi N, Guo YM, Shimada K, Sugano M, Ishii G, Minami Y. Brentuximab vedotin maintenance after autologous stem cell transplantation for refractory gray zone lymphoma with long-term remission. Mol Clin Oncol. 14(6):125, 2021
  31. Naito Y, Tsuneki M, Fukushima N, Koga Y, Higashi M, Notohara K, Aishima S, Ohike N, Tajiri T, Yamaguchi H, Fukumura Y, Kojima M, Hirabayashi K, Hamada Y, Norose T, Kai K, Omori Y, Sukeda A, Noguchi H, Uchino K, Itakura J, Okabe Y, Yamada Y, Akiba J, Kanavati F, Oda Y, Furukawa T, Yano H. A deep learning model to detect pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma on endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle biopsy. Sci Rep. 11(1):8454, 2021
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  33. Yokohira M, Oshima M, Yamakawa K, Ye J, Nakano-Narusawa Y, Haba R, Fukumura Y, Hirabayashi K, Yamaguchi H, Kojima M, Okano K, Suzuki Y, Matsuda Y. Adequate tissue sampling for the assessment of pathological tumor regression in pancreatic cancer. Sci Rep. 11(1):6586, 2021
  34. Yagishita S, Kato K, Takahashi M, Imai T, Yatabe Y, Kuwata T, Suzuki M, Ochiai A, Ohtsu A, Shimada K, Nishida T, Hamada A, Mano H. Characterization of the large-scale Japanese patient-derived xenograft (J-PDX) library. Cancer Sci. 112(6):2454-2466, 2021
  35. Kudo M, Kobayashi S, Kojima M, Kobayashi T, Sugimoto M, Takahashi S, Konishi M, Ishii G, Gotohda N. Impact of previous history of choledochojejunostomy on the incidence of organ/space surgical site infection after hepatectomy. Asian J Surg. 44(12):1520-1528, 2021
  36. Ishii T, Suzuki A, Kuwata T, Hisamitsu S, Hashimoto H, Ohara Y, Yanagihara K, Mitsunaga S, Yoshino T, Kinoshita T, Ochiai A, Shitara K, Ishii G. Drug-exposed cancer-associated fibroblasts facilitate gastric cancer cell progression following chemotherapy. Gastric Cancer. 24(4):810-822, 2021
  37. Nomura K, Aokage K, Nakai T, Sakashita S, Miyoshi T, Tane K, Samejima J, Suzuki K, Tsuboi M, Ishii G. Prognostic impact of extranodal extension in patients with pN1-N2 lung adenocarcinoma. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 147(12):3699-3707, 2021
  38. Shiraishi T, Ikeda K, Tsukada Y, Nishizawa Y, Sasaki T, Ito M, Kojima M, Ishii G, Tsumura R, Saijou S, Koga Y, Yasunaga M, Matsumura Y. High expression of TMEM180, a novel tumour marker, is associated with poor survival in stage III colorectal cancer. BMC Cancer. 21(1):302, 2021
  39. Katsumata S, Aokage K, Ishii G, Hoshino H, Suzuki J, Miyoshi T, Tane K, Samejima J, Tsuboi M. Pathological features and prognostic implications of ground-glass opacity components on computed tomography for clinical stage I lung adenocarcinoma. Surg Today. 51(7):1188-1202, 2021
  40. Tsuda H, Yoshida M, Akiyama F, Ohi Y, Kinowaki K, Kumaki N, Kondo Y, Saito A, Sasaki E, Nishimura R, Fujii S, Homma K, Horii R, Murata Y, Itami M, Kajita S, Kato H, Kurosumi M, Sakatani T, Shimizu S, Taniguchi K, Tamiya S, Nakamura H, Kanbayashi C, Shien T, Iwata H. Nuclear grade and comedo necrosis of ductal carcinoma in situ as histopathological eligible criteria for the Japan Clinical Oncology Group 1505 trial: an interobserver agreement study. Jpn J Clin Oncol. 51(3):434-443, 2021
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  42. Morisue R, Kojima M, Suzuki T, Nakatsura T, Ojima H, Watanabe R, Sugimoto M, Kobayashi S, Takahashi S, Konishi M, Ishii G, Gotohda N, Fujiwara T, Ochiai A. Sarcomatoid hepatocellular carcinoma is distinct from ordinary hepatocellular carcinoma: Clinicopathologic, transcriptomic and immunologic analyses. Int J Cancer. 149(3):546-560, 2021
  43. Mukohara T, Hosono A, Mimaki S, Nakayama A, Kusuhara S, Funasaka C, Nakao T, Fukasawa Y, Kondoh C, Harano K, Naito Y, Matsubara N, Tsuchihara K, Kuwata T. Effects of ado-trastuzumab emtansine and fam-trastuzumab deruxtecan on metastatic breast cancer harboring HER2 amplification and the L755S mutation. Oncologist. 26(8):635-639, 2021
  44. Ito R, Ikematsu H, Murano T, Shinmura K, Kojima M, Kumahara K, Furue Y, Sunakawa H, Minamide T, Sato D, Yamamoto Y, Takashima K, Yoda Y, Hori K, Yano T. Diagnostic ability of Japan Narrow-Band Imaging Expert Team classification for colorectal lesions by magnifying endoscopy with blue laser imaging versus narrow-band imaging. Endosc Int Open. 9(2):E271-E277, 2021
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  46. Kuroe T, Watanabe R, Kojima M, Morisue R, Sugano M, Kuwata T, Masuda H, Kusuhara S, Matsubara N, Oda S, Ushiku T, Ishii G. Evaluation of the morphological features and unfavorable prognostic impact of dirty necrosis in renal cell carcinoma. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 147(4):1089-1100, 2021
  47. Kobayashi S, Nakamura Y, Taniguchi H, Odegaard JI, Nomura S, Kojima M, Sugimoto M, Konishi M, Gotohda N, Takahashi S, Yoshino T. Impact of Preoperative Circulating Tumor DNA Status on Survival Outcomes After Hepatectomy for Resectable Colorectal Liver Metastases. Ann Surg Oncol. 28(8):4744-4755, 2021
  48. Akagi K, Oki E, Taniguchi H, Nakatani K, Aoki D, Kuwata T, Yoshino T. The real-world data on microsatellite instability status in various unresectable or metastatic solid tumors. Cancer Sci. 2021 Online ahead of print.
  49. Amemiya R, Miyoshi T, Aokage K, Suzuki J, Hoshino H, Udagawa H, Tane K, Sugano M, Kojima M, Fujii S, Kuwata T, Ochiai A, Goto K, Ikeda N, Tsuboi M, Ishii G. Prognostic impact of the tumor immune microenvironment in pulmonary pleomorphic carcinoma. Lung Cancer, 153:56-65, 2021
  50. Sekihara K, Aokage K, Hiyama T, Oiwa H, Miyoshi T, Tane K, Ishii G, Tsuboi M. Prognostic impact of home oxygen therapy on patients with resected non-small-cell lung cancer with interstitial lung disease. Surg Today. 51(6):1036-1043, 2021
  51. Suzuki J, Aokage K, Neri S, Sakai T, Hashimoto H, Su Y, Yamazaki S, Nakamura H, Tane K, Miyoshi T, Sugano M, Kojima M, Fujii S, Kuwata T, Ochiai A, Tsuboi M, Ishii G. Relationship between podoplanin-expressing cancer-associated fibroblasts and the immune microenvironment of early lung squamous cell carcinoma. Lung Cancer. 153:1-10, 2021
  52. Fujitani K, Nakamura K, Mizusawa J, Kuwata T, Shimoda T, Katayama H, Kushima R, Taniguchi H, Yoshikawa T, Boku N, Terashima M, Fukuda H, Sano T, Sasako M; Stomach Cancer Study Group of Japan Clinical Oncology Group (JCOG), Japan. Posttherapy topographical nodal status, ypN-site, predicts survival of patients who received neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by curative surgical resection for non-type 4 locally advanced gastric cancer: supplementary analysis of JCOG1004-A. Gastric Cancer, 24(1):197-204, 2021
  53. Sunakawa H, Hori K, Kadota T, Shinmura K, Yoda Y, Ikematsu H, Tomioka T, Akimoto T, Hayashi R, Fujii S, Yano T. Relationship between the microvascular patterns observed by magnifying endoscopy with narrow-band imaging and the depth of invasion in superficial pharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma. Esophagus, 18(1):111-117, 2021
  54. Sugita S, Kinoshita T, Kuwata T, Tokunaga M, Kaito A, Watanabe M, Tonouchi A, Sato R, Nagino M. Long-term oncological outcomes of laparoscopic versus open transhiatal resection for patients with Siewert type II adenocarcinoma of the esophagogastric junction. Surg Endosc, 35(1):340-348, 2021
  55. Sakai T, Udagawa H, Matsumoto S, Yoh K, Nosaki K, Ikeda T, Zenke Y, Kirita K, Niho S, Akimoto T, Goto K, Ishii G. Morphological, immune and genetic features in biopsy sample associated with the efficacy of pembrolizumab in patients with non-squamous non-small cell lung cancer. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 147(4):1227-1237, 2021
  56. Lam AK, Bourke MJ, Chen R, Fiocca R, Fujishima F, Fujii S, Jansen M, Kumarasinghe P, Langer R, Law S, Meijer SL, Muldoon C, Novelli M, Shi C, Tang L, Nagtegaal ID. Dataset for the reporting of carcinoma of the esophagus in resection specimens: recommendations from the International Collaboration on Cancer Reporting. Hum Pathol. 114:54-65, 2021
  57. Yagisawa M, Sawada K, Nakamura Y, Fujii S, Yuki S, Komatsu Y, Yoshino T, Sakamoto N, Taniguchi H. Prognostic Value and Molecular Landscape of HER2 Low-Expressing Metastatic Colorectal Cancer. Clin Colorectal Cancer. 20(2):113-120.e1, 2021
