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国立がん研究センター中央病院で胸部悪性腫瘍のスペシャリストに !
肺がんを中心とした胸部悪性腫瘍を薬で完全に治癒させることはつい最近まで、不可能と考えられてきました。しかし、特に肺がんについては、原因となる遺伝子異常があきらかになり、 それを標的とする薬の開発や免疫治療の進歩により、あと一歩で薬で完全に治せるところまで来ています。
国立がん研究センター中央病院呼吸器内科では、この治療の進歩を加速するべく、若手医師とともに診療、研究に取り組んでいます。当院での研修を選択された医師の皆さんには、日本 最多の診療実績を有するHigh Volume Center という環境を十二分に活用し、国内屈指の指導医とのマンツーマンで研修を通して、がんの治療成績向上のための診療、研究に自ら取り組む機会が提供されます。具体的には、がん薬物療法専門医、呼吸器専門医、連携大学院学位の取得、さらには、臨床研究、Translational research(TR)を実践することが可能です。
- 日本の胸部悪性腫瘍診療をリードする指導医の直接指導
- 日本のがん診療の中枢を担う施設での豊富な臨床経験
- 基礎、臨床の枠にとらわれない研究活動のチャンス
- 研修希望者の実力とニーズにマッチする、さまざまな研修コース
- 肺癌の病期(TNMを中心に)、RECIST
- 気管支鏡検査とIntervention
- 臨床試験
- 肺病理
- 肺癌治療で用いられる抗悪性腫瘍薬と分子標的治療薬
- 術後補助療法
- 局所進行NSCLC
- 進行NSCLC初回治療:化学療法、維持療法
- 進行NSCLC初回治療:分子標的薬
- 進行NSCLC2次化学治療以降
- LD-SCLC化学放射線療法
- ED-SCLC初回化学療法
- SCLC再発治療
- 免疫チェックポイント阻害剤
- 「悪性胸膜中皮腫」と「胸腺癌、浸潤性胸腺種」
- 高齢者肺癌の治療
- 化学療法の基本理論
- がん診療における感染症
- 緩和医療(がん患者への介入が必要なとき)
- がん患者・家族の心理
- How I manage patients with advanced cancer
- 胸部画像診断~白い肺~
- 乳がん
- 小児/AYA世代に好発する腫瘍
- プレゼン力をあげる
- 原発不明がんの精査・治療について
- 放射線治療 ~総論編~
- 消化器がんについて
- 膵臓がん(臨床試験含めて)
- 呼吸器がん
- 医療経済
- 血液がん(リンパ腫など)
- 脳腫瘍
- Phase1について
- 泌尿器領域のがん(腎臓がんを中心に)
- 放射線治療 ~頭頸部編~
- 眼腫瘍と全身治療に関連した眼有害事象
- 婦人科がん(卵巣がんについて)
- 皮膚腫瘍(皮膚有害事象含めて)
- JSMO専門医について
充実した研究指導の成果としての多数の英文論文(最近3年間、研修者が first author の論文のみ)
- Fukuda A, et al. Real-world Data on the Incidence of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) in Patients With Advanced Thoracic Cancer During the Early Phase of the Pandemic in Japan. Anticancer Res. 2023 Feb;43(2):919-926.
- Nishimura R, et al. Co-occurring KEAP1 and TP53 mutations in lung squamous cell carcinoma induced primary resistance to thoracic radiotherapy: A case report. Thorac Cancer. 2022 Dec 1.
- Tanaka T, et al. Prognostic role of modified Glasgow Prognostic score in elderly non-small cell lung cancer patients treated with anti-PD-1 antibodies. Respir Investig. 2022 Nov 29:S2212-5345(22)00144-7
- Nakamura T, et al. End-of-life impact of concurrent diabetes mellitus and adrenal insufficiency as immune-related adverse events in an advanced non-small cell lung cancer patient. Thorac Cancer. 2022 Nov;13(21):3073-3075.
- Tateishi AT, Okuma Y. Onco-biome in pharmacotherapy for lung cancer: a narrative review. Transl Lung Cancer Res. 2022 Nov;11(11):2332-2345.
- Satoh H, et al. Genomic landscape of chemical-induced lung tumors under Nrf2 different expression levels. Carcinogenesis 2022 Aug 30;43(7):613-623.
- Higashiyama RI, et al. Non-specific symptoms as a prodrome of immune-related adverse events in patients with non-small cell lung cancer receiving nivolumab: a consecutive analysis of 200 patients. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 2022 Jul 28.
- Fujii H, Okuma Y. Unarranged territory in uncommon EGFR mutations. Transl Lung Cancer Res. 2022 Jul;11(7):1233-1236.
- Takeyasu Y, Yoshida T, Shibaki R, Matsumoto Y, Goto Y, Kanda S, Horinouchi H, Yamamoto N, Motoi N, Ohe Y. Differential Efficacy of Pembrolizumab According to Metastatic Sites in Patients With PD-L1 Strongly Positive (TPS ≥ 50%) NSCLC. Clin Lung Cancer. 2021 Mar;22(2):127-133.e3. PMID: 33183972
- Baba K, Yoshida T, Shiotsuka M, Kobayashi O, Iwata S, Ohe Y. Rapid development of pulmonary Mycobacterium avium infection during chemoradiotherapy followed by durvalumab treatment in a locally advanced NSCLC patient. Lung Cancer. 2021 Mar;153:182-183. PMID: 33546908
- Shirasawa M, Yoshida T, Horinouchi H, Kitano S, Arakawa S, Matsumoto Y, Shinno Y, Okuma Y, Goto Y, Kanda S, Watanabe R, Yamamoto N, Watanabe SI, Ohe Y, Motoi N. Prognostic impact of peripheral blood neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio in advanced-stage pulmonary large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma and its association with the immune-related tumour microenvironment. Br J Cancer. 2021 Mar;124(5):925-932. PMID: 33250511
- Shirasawa M, Yoshida T, Takayanagi D, Shiraishi K, Yagishita S, Sekine K, Kanda S, Matsumoto Y, Masuda K, Shinno Y, Okuma Y, Goto Y, Horinouchi H, Hamada A, Kohno T, Yamamoto N, Watanabe SI, Ohe Y, Motoi N. Activity and Immune Correlates of Programmed Death-1 Blockade Therapy in Patients With Advanced Large Cell Neuroendocrine Carcinoma. Clin Lung Cancer. 2021 Feb 8;S1525-7304(21)00026-7. PMID: 33722498
- Masuda K, Horinouchi H, Tanaka M, Higashiyama R, Shinno Y, Sato J, Matsumoto Y, Okuma Y, Yoshida T, Goto Y, Yamamoto N, Ohe Y. Efficacy of anti-PD-1 antibodies in NSCLC patients with an EGFR mutation and high PD-L1 expression. Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 2021 Jan;147(1):245-251. PMID: 32705363
- Inaba-Higashiyama R, Yoshida T, Jo H, Shirasawa M, Motoi N, Ohe Y. Clinical outcomes of pembrolizumab therapy in advanced-NSCLC patients with poor performance status (≥3) and high PD-L1 expression (TPS ≥50%): A case series. Thorac Cancer. 2020 Dec;11(12):3618-3621. PMID: 33085191
- Arakawa S, Yoshida T, Shirasawa M, Takayanagi D, Yagishita S, Motoi N, Ohe Y. RB1 loss induced small cell lung cancer transformation as acquired resistance to pembrolizumab in an advanced NSCLC patient. Lung Cancer. 2020 Nov 20:S0169-5002(20)30690-5. PMID: 33279272
- Takahashi T, Umeguchi H, Tateishi A, Yoshida T, Motoi N, Ohe Y. Disease flare of leptomeningeal metastases without radiological and cytological findings after the discontinuation of osimertinib. Lung Cancer. 2020 Nov 13;151:1-4. PMID: 33276184
- Shirasawa M, Yoshida T, Matsumoto Y, Shinno Y, Okuma Y, Goto Y, Horinouchi H, Yamamoto N, Watanabe SI, Ohe Y, Motoi N. Impact of chemoradiotherapy on the immune-related tumour microenvironment and efficacy of anti-PD-(L)1 therapy for recurrences after chemoradiotherapy in patients with unresectable locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer. Eur J Cancer. 2020 Nov;140:28-36. doi: 10.1016/j.ejca.2020.08.028. Epub 2020 Oct 8. PMID: 33039811
- Arakawa S, Yoshida T, Nakayama Y, Motoi N, Ohe Y. Small Cell Cancer Transformation of Lung Adenocarcinoma During Durvalumab Treatment After Chemoradiotherapy. J Thorac Oncol. 2020 Aug;15(8):e145-e146. PMID: 32718542
- Shibaki R, Murakami S, Shinno Y, Matsumoto Y, Yoshida T, Goto Y, Kanda S, Horinouchi H, Fujiwara Y, Yamamoto N, Yamamoto N, Ohe Y. Predictive value of serum VEGF levels for elderly patients or for patients with poor performance status receiving anti-PD-1 antibody therapy for advanced non-small-cell lung cancer. Cancer Immunol Immunother. 2020 Jul;69(7):1229-1236. PMID: 32152703
- Sato J, Satouchi M, Itoh S, Okuma Y, Niho S, Mizugaki H, Murakami H, Fujisaka Y, Kozuki T, Nakamura K, Nagasaka Y, Kawasaki M, Yamada T, Machida R, Kuchiba A, Ohe Y, Yamamoto N. Lenvatinib in Patients With Advanced or Metastatic Thymic Carcinoma (REMORA): A Multicentre, Phase 2 Trial. Lancet Oncol. 2020 Jun;21(6):843-850. PMID: 32502444
- Sato J, Kitano S, Motoi N, Ino Y, Yamamoto N, Watanabe S, Ohe Y, Hiraoka N. CD20+ tumor-infiltrating immune cells and CD204+ M2 macrophages are associated with prognosis in thymic carcinoma. Cancer Sci. 2020 Jun;111(6):1921-1932. PMID: 32277550
- Katsuya Y, Miyake K, Higuchi T, Oshiro H, Sugisawa N, Singh SR, Goto Y, Zhao M, Hoffman RM. Comparison of the Efficacy of EGFR Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors Erlotinib and Low-dose Osimertinib on a PC-9-GFP EGFR Mutant Non-small-cell Lung Cancer Growing in the Brain of Nude Mice. In Vivo. May-Jun 2020;34(3):1027-1030. PMID: 32354888
- Ito M, Kanda S, Yoshida T, Okuma Y, Jo H, Fukuhara S, Maeshima AM, Ohe Y. Eltrombopag Olamine for Refractory Immune-Related Thrombocytopenia Induced by Pembrolizumab in a Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patient. Lung Cancer. 2020 May 30:S0169-5002(20)30439-6. PMID: 32505447
- Okuno T, Arakawa S, Yoshida T, Ohe Y. Efficacy of osimertinib in a patient with leptomeningeal metastasis and EGFR uncommon S768I mutation. Lung Cancer. 2020 May;143:95-96. PMID: 32209253.
- Mizuno T, Horinouchi H, Watanabe S, Sato J, Morita R, Murakami S, Goto Y, Kanda S, Fujiwara Y, Yamamoto N, Ohe Y. Number of metastatic organs negatively affects the treatment sequence in patients with EGFR-TKI failure. Thorac Cancer. 2020 Apr;11(4):1038-1044.PMID: 32077630.
- 国立がん研究センター 中央病院 呼吸器内科
教育担当:新野 祐樹
メールアドレス:yshinno●ncc.go.jp - 中央病院レジデント募集情報
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